Moola Grantha names 91-100

Lalita Sahasranama meanings per name

91. Kula-samketa-pālinī

Meaning – The Divine Mother protects and supports the aspirants who undertake yoga sādhana (spiritual pursuits). She provides them with all the facilities and the time needed for their spiritual pursuits.

‘Kula’ should not be misinterpreted to mean any caste or community. It should also not be inferred as Koula marga i.e. black magic tantra of vaamachaara. Na kulam kulamithyāhuh āchāram kulamuchyate- means kula is not caste as presumed; adhering and adopting the customs and traditions (āchāram) that have been coming down the various generations or those practices given to us by our Guru is ‘kula’. Such Kula should be followed without fail.

92. Kulāṅgan

Kulāngana consists of two words kula+ angana, which means the woman who belongs to the kula. From this, two meanings can be derived –

1) Kulāngana means a very chaste woman (maha pativrata).
This name emphasizes the importance of chastity (Pātivratya dharma). A woman who strictly abides by this dharma automatically acquires half the share of all the merits (punya) earned by her husband.

2) Kula refers to the Mūladhāra Chakra. Kundalini energy is the lady (woman) who is sleeping within Kula. Unless pulled up through sustained spiritual efforts, Mother Kundalini lies dormant in a sleeping state in the Mūladhāra. As She belongs to this Kula, She is Kulāngana.

Equating the Kundalini to a snake is purely symbolic. Lord Subrahmanya, who is compared to the snake, also refers to the Kundalini or yogic energy.

93. Kulāntasthā

Kulāntasthā comprises of two words Kula +anthastha, which means ‘in-between the Kula’. This name can be interpreted in two ways –

1) She is all pervading; omnipresent.
Kula represents both the Mūladhāra as well as Sahasrāra Chakras (refer nama 90). As She is the energy that flows in between these two Chakras, i.e. between the beginning and the end, She is Kulāntasthā. Thus it means She is the all-pervading energy.

2) The word Kula has many more meanings such as- country, house, body etc. Here Kulāntasthā should be understood to mean that She resides in every country, every house, in everybody and to be more precise, in every heart! She is everywhere.

94. Kaulinī

Meaning – She is the presiding deity and the protector of Koula or Yoga marga.

Kulam shaktir iti proktam akulam Shiva uchyate
Kule kulasya sambandah koulam iti abhideeyate

Meaning – Kula is shakti (energy, Parvati). Akula means Shiva. The union or relation between Shiva and Parvati, (Prakriti and Purusha) i.e. the path of Yoga is the Koula marga.

95. Kula-yoginī

Meaning – She is the mother of the composite group of Yogini mātās. (Yogini mātās are the various energies/ manifestations of the Supreme Mother).

The bhajans in Cassette Tripura refer extensively to this point. Yogini mātās are of various types-Prakata Yogini, Gupta Yogini, Guptatara Yogini, Nigarbha Yogini and many more. In Her position as the mother for this composite group of all Yogini mātās, She is Kulayoginī. Both at the microcosm and at the macrocosm levels, She is the presiding deity for all Yoga.

With this name, the description of the antar yaaga is complete.

96. Akulā

This name has the following meanings –

1) She is beyond Kula i.e. beyond the Sahasrāra Chakra.

2) She is also over and above all differences of caste and creed, dharma and adharma (righteousness and non-righteousness) and that which is of temporary and permanent existence (nitya and anitya).

3) She is absolutely pure and above all forms of dualities. She is untouched by changes.

97. Samayāntasthā

This name has the following meanings –

1) She resides within the path/ doctrine known as Samaya (Samaya mārga) and blesses those who adhere to this path

2) Samaya means to merge into Her. She grants this merger to Her devotees.

Samaya means time. Realizing the value of samaya (time), following the timely discipline and completing all duties in a timely manner are very dear to her. She protects all those who faithfully follow this.

98. Samayācāra-tatparā

This name can be interpreted in two ways –

1) One of the prominent methods of worshipping Her is Samayācāra and She is a great lover of these practices.

2) Splitting the name as samaya +achāra, it can be understood that She loves those who do not waste time and who utilize the time wisely.

The names 99 to 108 deal with Kundalini yoga. The result of the inner worship (antar yaaga) is taught. Worshipping Her as a chakra (spiritual energy) within us is the first step in spiritual practices (yoga sadhana). This is once again at the individual (microcosm) level.

99. Mūlādhāraika-nilayā

Meaning – Sri Lalita Devi, the Supreme Divine Mother has Her residence in the Mūladhāra Chakra.

She resides in the form of Prana shakti (Kundalini Shakti, spiritual energy), within every being (pindānda, microcosm).

Nilaya consists of two words ni+laya. It means She has merged (laya) with this location and therefore this is Her permanent residence until the death of the being. Upon death of the gross body, this energy (at the microcosm) merges into the Supreme energy of the macrocosm (the energy of the universe). When a new body is taken, it once again enters and remains seated at the Mūladhāra position. This cycle continues endlessly.

100. Brahmagranthi-vibhedini

Meaning – She cuts the knot (granthi) called Brahmagranthi that is located on either side of the Swadhisthāna chakra.

This Brahmagranthi is a knot or a state abounded by doubts (samshaya). Deep breathing through Pranayama is the way to cut this knot. Breath that is inherently shallow can be converted into deep breath through a deeper practice of Pranayama. One then learns to take deep breaths- from/to the abdomen. Through this yogic practice, the Kundalini energy (life force) that is lying dormant in the Mooladhāra now begins to traverse upwards. With Her limitless compassion the Supreme Mother, cuts the knot when the Kundalini reaches this point.

Undoing this knot relieves the sadhaka from unnecessary doubts, health problems and the various poisons that impede spiritual progress. In a normal sense, it can also be understood to mean that She erases the destiny or fate (Brahma lipi) that is being called Brahmagranthi.

With this, the first 100 namas (shatakam) is complete. These first 100 names form the first of the nine enclosures that take us to Her abode. These enclosures exist both at microcosm and macrocosm planes. This first enclosure (avarana) is the Trailokya Mohana Chakra.

The second enclosure (avarana) that we are entering into is Sarvaasha paripoora chakra (fulfiller of all desires). Creation begins at the Triputi (top-most triangle) in the Srichakra. The first thing that happens after creation is origin of desires and intents (sankalpa). She is fulfilling all the desires (Sarva asha). Lalita Sahasranama is now moving ahead with the antar puja (inner worship).

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