December 25, 2013

Speech by HH Sri Ganapathy Sachchidananda Swamiji on Christmas day – December 25, 2013 – Rödermark (Frankfurt), Germany

Jaya Guru Datta

Happy New Year.
Merry Christmas.

Today is Pradhana Anaghashtami Ritual. Anaghashtami is worship of Anagha Swami and Anagha Devi. Anagha Devi is Yoga Mother. Not human bodies, both have invisible bodies. Datta means a gift. He has given a gift of such human beings and such a wonderful illusion, Maya. She is yoga mother. Yoga means prana, life energy, breathing, and buddhi, intellect. Atman is God. Today is a very important day. Now mostly Indians are celebrating this Vrata, ritual. Yoga is not a religion. It is a practice of finding out about us, our soul. Daily you may ask yourselves the big question before going to bed, “Who am I? Why have I come here? For what purpose? What is this?” Don’t ask any gurus. Ask your own atman, soul. Gurus give their own interpretation. It may cause more confusion. Guru system is okay, as a teaching as a discipline in your life. But it is not good to ask him all questions. Don’t ask him, ask yourself. Self-Realization. You are more near than anyone or anything. Good things, bad things, your own Atman is witness to all. Some people say soul, some people say breath. Atman is invisible. It is not visible. Body, breath, intellect all are atman. Ask daily. Am I the body? No, one day you must leave this body. Am I the eye? No. Mouth? No. Am I the breath? May be. You cannot see your breath. It is only an experience. Who am I? I am not body, breath, or sense organs. I am not the intellect. Who am I? That is the big question in your life. Sometimes we get bad, sometimes we get good. So many differences of opinions. How do they maintain and continue this kind of confusion, illusion? It does not matter. Don’t ask anyone. Don’t go to books also. Take lessons from yourself. Some lesson, some story, they all say different things. How many stories can you follow? How many examples? How many Gurus do you run behind? How does one maintain this? Such questions and answers we need.

Sit alone, in peace. Stay calm, alone. So many of our devotees are alone. You are lucky people. It is a good thing. But atman is really not alone. It is with God always. No wife, no children. You are very lucky persons. You are the luckiest persons in this world if you are alone, with no wife, husband, or children. Always laughing and crying, what are these relationships? Friendships are also cause for danger, sometimes. Friction. Differences of opinion. Real friendship is to be of one heart. Maintain, be very careful. Friendly is okay. But with yourself, you are not alone. You are with God. God is witness. No one is alone. Everyone has a connection with God. Don’t feel that you are alone. No brother, no husband, no children, does not mean you are alone. You are always with God. Only God is the protector. He is with you always. Be happy. That is wisdom. Words of wisdom or wisdom of words. Wisdom when it is expressed in words, it is real wisdom. Today I am very happy. So many people are thinking about Swamiji. How do they react in this world? They ask, “Swamiji, what is your feeling about this world, this creation, these human being friends? How do you feel about traveling like this? Please explain.” I tell them, “No feeling. I don’t know. I don’t want to think about feeling also. It is His job to think about my feelings also. Only energy, I am working. Feeling comes, I pass on, this good feeling, this bad feeling, this laugh feeling, I am not responsible. How can I explain my feelings? They are not my feelings. I am His instrument only. Who am I to feel or experience?

I do not think along those lines. How can I have feelings, or experiences? I am not thinking about feelings. Morning, afternoon, night, finished, one day, two days, three days, it is going. I am telling, the time is set. But it is not in my hands. My feelings are His feeling. My means His. If any crying, laughing, He is crying and laughing. This body is only an instrument. Pain comes to body only. Only the body experiences it. It is not my responsibility. I give respect to this pain because I am using this body. I have no affection or fear about this body. No anxiety about this body. I am getting old! Nothing. No worries. This is not by body. It is only a rental I am maintaining. One day I want to vacate. Someday parts by parts they can be used. Sky will use something. Earth will use something. The 5 elements are using this body. How can I spoil it? Little bit possible, affection, a little bit I want to eat. A little bit I want to sleep. Not hundred per cent affection for body. Illusion, Maya is going on. Two years back we did not know about this program in Dasaratha’s house. Suddenly this got fixed. Christmas program. A couple of hours and this program is finished. Once again travel. So don’t think serious. Think seriously only about Him. That is why daily ask the question. Don’t expect any answer. Keep asking the question, “Who I am Krishna? Who am I Rama? Who am I allelouia? Who am I Mother Mary?” Simple. In spiritual life, no competition. Only one question always in spiritual life you can ask.

Merry Christmas.
Happy Anaghashtami.
In advance I wish you a Happy New Year.
I bless you.

Sri Guru Datta

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