Dec 7, 2014

Speech of HH Sri Ganapathy Sachchidananda Swamiji in the evening – December 7, 2014 – Msyore

Harihi Om Tatsat

Jaya Guru Datta

Many of you are missing MMS. With music and picture a message is sent. Just one minute long. It will help you and your children. Comes in different languages. The Email comes daily on your Laptop or smart phone or IPad.

Start receiving one email daily. Use for password some dear person’s name. MMS is like a Janma lottery. Like a mantra. Answer also come to you.

I left at 4 pm to come for bhajans. But I had missed swimming for 3 days during the Datta Jayanti celebrations. It took 3 hours to swim and bathe. My doctors insisted that I should get my exercise to remain healthy. Daily my hair and beard maintenance itself takes at least half an hour. It is an elaborate abhishekam daily with shampoo and conditioner and all that.

Gowri is a Flight devotee. She gave one lakh rupees to give an award in Flight’s name every year to a benevolent person. She said she would see the video and cry each time.

One devotee by name Puppy was there. Aruna Sailaja was her actual name. She made tummi flower garlands for Appaji daily. Took care of store entirely by herself in the olden day. She used to work very hard, doing everything, including toilet cleaning, laundry, and any other chore. Like Flight, she was another very dedicated devotee. I lost her on Datta Jayanti day, yesterday. May she gain higher planes.

Yesterday I did not wear the tummi garland that her sister offered me. I said, offer it to Mother Goddess. For years she herself made the garlands. They are very difficult to make. Chanting the Lalita Sahasranama she made them daily. She loved Flight. May she give her company in a higher Loka/world. Puppy left the day after Punya Samarana – remembrance of all souls departed in the past year. She had cancer. She knew it. She was very strong at heart. Till the last day she served. Such great devotees Swamiji has. All must earn a place in his heart. Some devotees have earned a special place. All are in my heart, no doubt. You must all come even closer. Before Swamiji came to the earth you all came here to serve Him, sent by Brahma.

I pray to God to bless all my devotees with good health, happiness, prosperity, and good children. Love a good life, with strength of mind. Shloka: ananta Bhajan: Datta digambara Shloka: Brahmavishnu Bhajan: Daniyaa erisi Shloka:Maha vrushabha vaahaaya Bhajan: ananda roop Datta hai Bhajan: vadamale hakuve

I thought I could play this Flight raga for her. But she left yesterday itself. She perhaps thought there would be no bhajans today. In her memory I have to play this raga.

Puppy cried and left, for Flight. This raga is Pushpalata. Brahmakamala plant, entwines like a creeper. This is Flight’s raga with the musical scale. S r g m p d s S n p m g r s

All those who took mantra initiation today will get mantra siddhi. I told you to stay. You cancelled your tickets and stayed back. I was testing you and you passed the test. You have obeyed Swamiji’s order. Merge the mantra with your breath. Chant with your inhalation and exhalation.

Sri Guru Datta

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