July 3, 2016

Speech of HH Sri Ganapathy Sachchidananda Swamiji – July 3, 2016 – Canada

Compiled by Archana Penukonda

How many people registered for Homa? For Sri Chakra Puja? How many devotees received MMS in the past? There is no MMS anymore. We stopped after 5 years of continuous service. 30 children worked on it day and night. Now, it’s only SGS Posts. Sri Ganapathy Sachchidananda posts. The messages come to you in 6 languages. How many people downloaded the SGS Posts app? It’s a free app. Download on laptop or smart phones or iPad or Android. Otherwise, you will miss out. Each of the 6 languages comes with an English translation. You benefit with 6 sayings in one day because the message in each language is different. There is also one English message. So you receive 6 or 7 sayings daily. Don’t miss these messages. It’s a big concept. We have 500 paying App-ji members who are supporting the costs of SGS Posts. We need a lot of servers and a lot of people working on SGS Posts. We need Internet in Mysore Ashram too. App-ji members are supporting this effort. App-ji is a personal app that’s a one-on-one communication with Swamiji. It’s a different app. It’s not easily available. You must enquire about App-ji and register for it. Every Guru Purnima, we will renew membership. Whoever pays will continue with App-ji. App-ji is a wonderful app. Every day, Swamiji is giving a message with a personal touch. You can also send voice message to Swamiji through that app. Swamiji is also sending voice messages everyday. There are about 40-45 small children that send messages to Swamiji everyday saying “Good morning”, “I’m going to school”, “I did well in my test” etc. Some doctors also sent messages saying they were afraid to write the exam, but Swamiji sent a message instructing not to worry. They passed the exam. App-ji members have so many good experiences. But, it’s not for the public. It’s only for very old devotees and family members. They are supporting SGS Posts. Every month, they give $50. Some give $30. I’ll be very happy if we get 100,000 people on SGS Posts before Swamiji’s 75th birthday. Download SGS Posts app and propagate it. It’s free. There are these 500 App-ji members supporting it in the background. That’s only personal support. Those 500 families have been following Sadguru for over 30-40 years. If you want, you can also join. So many people don’t know about App-ji. You can enquire about App-ji in America and they will explain. We don’t ask for donations for SGS Posts. Only propagation. It’s good for people. They are like MMS messages. The MMS messages continued for 5 years with my own money. I didn’t ask any people for donation. The Americans donated some for the Internet. Otherwise, it was 30 students working for free on the MMS messages. I decided it was not good. So many people don’t know about MMS. Old devotees don’t want to write comments. It takes only 1-2 seconds to open and see, and write comments. They were good messages from Bhagavad Gita. The SGS Posts messages are all Swamiji’s advice in very simple, child-like language, in my English. Some people are missing out on these. Eventually, you’ll just miss in life. That is not good. This is good advice and caution to you. It would be a danger to miss SGS Posts. How many people downloaded the app? Go to the Apple App Store or the Android Play Store and download the app. It’s very easy – just put your email and download.

Today, I’ve seen Anagha and Datta moortis. Beautiful moortis. I told Bhanu Prakash, the priest, to come every day and do Puja. That is your (to the priest) duty. No holidays. Come everyday, maintain a log of what time you came in and how much time you spent here. Then, people will know about it. Especially on Saturday and Sunday, you must sit here for 2-4 hours. Then, people will understand about Dattatreya. Everyone knows about Hanumanta. That’s why in the new place, we installed Hanumanta. But they don’t know Dattatreya. Dattatreya is Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. You have books on Dattatreya, you have Datta Charitra and Guru Charitra. You must learn about Dattatreya. All MMS and SGS Posts messages are Datta’s teachings. It’ll look like child-like advice, but it’s all Datta’s advice. Those teachings are very good and very powerful Datta sayings. They are Datta Guru’s sayings. He’s Guru to the Gurus. He is Deva Guru – Guru to the Gods. Lord Rama and Lord Krishna also chose Dattatreya as Guru. Like that Datta is Deva Deva Guru, Who is God’s Guru? Datta. Datta means gift. So many south Indian people know about Datta. Canadians also know. There are so many bhajans on Lord Datta. There are about 3400 bhajans that are known publicly. There are 4000 more that are not printed. Those are still rough drafts. My mother made so many bhajans on Bhagavatam in Kannada. Yesterday, Ashok sang Mother’s bhajans. Please sing one Krishna bhajan by Mother. He sang “Mathuranagaravu” yesterday. What is Mathura Nagara? Who are the people that lived there? What’s the water there? Where is Mathura Nagar in the Vaikuntha of earth? Swamiji remembered and wrote the songs that Jayalakshmi Mata had sung. She sang so many songs on Lord Krishna. She sang the entire Bhagavatam. There are plenty more bhajans. I need to recollect what Mother sang and write them down. Mother wrote thousands of bhajans. Some are very popular. Om Namo Narayana Krishna is also very popular. [Upon Swamiji’s instruction, the devotee sings Mathura nagaravu] Canada Ashok singing Kannada bhajan, it’s a miracle. This bhajan is very simple, in 6 lines it explains about Mathura Nagara/the city of Mathura (where Sri Krishna ruled.) What are the people like, what are the rivers there like? I am very happy. Very nice bhajan. Sing one more bhajan “Om Namo Narayana Krishna”. That’s a very popular bhajan now. Our birds are also singing it. Go to YouTube and see those videos on the SGS Birds channel. Swamiji’s bhajans may have some difficult language, but Jayalakshmi Mata’s bhajans are in a very simple language. All bhajans have simple lines, simple Bhagavatam, very easy to learn. Listen and practice daily. So many people now know all the bhajans. They learned them all by heart. I’m very happy. Canada people are singing Telugu, Kannada and Hindi bhajans. Telugu people are singing Tamil and Kannada bhajans. That integration is Swamiji’s mission. It’s not just limited to languages. They are good human beings and friends with each other. We want strong relationships with the Hindus. Don’t quarrel. Don’t think wrongly. We want everyone. All are our friends and relatives. All humans are our relatives. We are all Atman, no barrier, no religion. We are all the same. Only one religion. Jaya Guru Datta.

So, come to the temple every week. Or at least one or two days each month. If you live nearby, come and attend the Satsang and sit in Dhyana. Receive the good vibrations from Swamiji. If you try, you will feel the vibrations. You don’t want to try. You must try. You don’t want to do any sadhana. You want only what comes easily. Easy is not good. Easy is sin. You must pay respect or devotion and then take the boon. Without sadhana, don’t take any boon or any gifts from Sadguru. That’s a bigger sin. You will have problem later on. You must give some respect and devotion, love and affection. Otherwise, your demands are not good. If you do sadhana, Sadguru’s kindness will automatically come to you like a waterfall. You must send your devotion up for the waterfall of kindness to come down. Your (spiritual) bank is running on loss, your bank balance is zero. No money, no credit. Devotion is also like that. Demanding without devotion is not good. You always ask to give, give, give, give, give. What have you given? What is your level? You are always asking to give. How many times have you given back to Sadguru? Bhagavatam is completely about devotion. You must surrender yourself. He controls our sense organs. Our Sadguru knows how to control. Don’t think about your problems. He’ll take care of them. Definitely he’ll appear to you in some form. Perhaps as a friend or in another form. You must wait. Patience is the greatest penance. Wait.

Sri Guru Datta

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