Jan 1, 1997

Speech of HH Sri Ganapathy Sachchidananda Swamiji – Vijayawada – January 1, 1997

We are entering the year 1997 with great anxeity and caution. (Here Swamiji refers to the recent natural calamities in India). The entire universe is dependent on the rules and principles of mother nature. One need not be anxious about forthcoming calamities but it must be stressed here that general awareness should be developed in the population. Common man also help to reduce the effect is he is cautious. Govornment alone cannot shoulder the responsibility of the relief operations. It is heartening that many voluntary institutions, organisations, companies, forums etc came forward in the relief process. If the funds generated for the relief operation reach the affected properly, it is a prayer to the mother nature, It is a great sin to misuse of swindle such donations. Such misdeeds are more cruel than the calamity itself. Intellectuals and social reformers should try to stop such practices.

Datta devotees in many places like Rajamundry, Kakinada and other places mobilised and contributed cash and materials to the suffering mass. This was an earnest effort in the right direction.

May the new year bring happiness and devotion in all.

Jaya Guru Datta

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