January 13, 2011

Birthday message of HH Sri Datta Vijayananda Teertha Swamiji – January 13, 2011 – Mysore


Bhogi is a special day and signifies Adisesha and also Signifies Kundalini shakti .In this Cold month Dhanurmasam taking cold water bath will ignite the kundalini shakti of such seeker and this discipline will make him/her powerful and all the Chakras from Muladhara to sahastrara get’s activated.

The person get’s positive energy and such penance in this month is very powerful and makes such being enlightened and all his nerve centers get this power and he can face the world and any hurdles can be handled and such is the amount of energy that helps manifold .

Let us pray almighty and sadgurudeva to bless all of us to face any hurdles and be happy and grace us always. The Bogi day means throwing old things into fire which has a special meaning scientifically and spiritually. Now we have also some programs ahead.

This day 13 January 1977 Pushya bahula Astami this body took shape but the real Birthday is on May 29 2004 when I was given sanyasa dheeksha by sadgurudeva. May 29 is a rebirth where I am really fortunate to serve and learn many things from sadgurudeva and not preach. May 29 is my real birthday and rebirth.

Significance of Birthday:

This birth given to us we need to really accomplish many things .This birth is precious should not be wasted .But we are selfish and we always eat; breath; bathe etc for our body but never think to do anything that is useful for the society or beings we live with. Service to sadgurudeva and service to people is what we need to do.

Para ardha :A wonderful Sanskrit word which means “make best use of this birth by thinking good ;doing good deeds” An opportunity given by god to be righteous .Lead an honest path . We shall break all shackles and come out as winners from this samsara chakra .Analyze ourselves on this birthday and take new resolutions that make us more matured and pious and do that is ordered by sadgurudeva.

This day it is happy birthday ‘happy sankranti and happy pongal and pongal as we know is a delicious dish cannot be cut but a cake can be cut. The moment we hear about cake we get excited and also look forward to eat the cake.But most unfortunate thing we do on the birthday is we never think of people who are in real distress who cannot eat; who cannot cover themselves ;who cannot get adequate books for reading ;shoes to go to school and sweater’s to beat this cold climate .They cannot afford to buy these as they are in poverty .Real birthday is when we address some of these issues and I would have felt happier if any one volunteered to do some seva and also help the ashram as this is true seva selfless and which is close to sadgurudeva .We forget service aspect totally and from next year would take this up seriously .We are becoming more selfish and get engulfed in luxuries and get enticed to one desire after another and we would never want ourselves to be in discomfort nor atleast for a moment think of those in pain .This is what that makes our sadgurudeva angry on us. We need to address the people who need our help and attention. That is true service and service to man is service to god. We need to do seva expecting no results and unrelentlessly .

Sri Balaswamiji said that we all take bath regularly and we never skip the same but on one occasion we went to Kailasha Manasarover there was little water and we could not take a dip instead we had to literally roll in the sacred water .Wise people will never skip good opportunities as the place has a special power and people who are lazy and skip such opportunity are haunted by luxuries .We will never put a stop to luxuries but we need to win in this aspect and that is the true upadesha .sadgurdeva likes people who lives life as it comes and not expect for comforts .Seva has to be selfless .We have many services to do in ashrama and let god give all of you the desire to do more service to the ashrama.

Try and try till you succeed and god helps such souls .We get the opportunity of birth and we need to invest to gain more strength to do service and also get power from kundalini mata .We have to increase spiritual energy and utilize properly to get elevated.

We put money in bank and get interest similarly we need to invest in our mind ,body, heart and love then only we get interest from our sadgurudeva and this is the real secret of celebrating the birthday.

Normally till 25 years we have more interest in birthday celebrations and gradually it fades as we grow but we get excited when it’s our birthday and those attending the function will be happy as they eat the cake but not the person who cuts the cake. laughter in the hall

The real meaning to celebrate birthday is Religion = Reunion with supreme soul.

“Janipradur bhave”: A Wonderful Sanskrit word = means not only birth but having good thoughts; deeds; Good karma and not have any evil thoughts & stop thinking negative .Develop good thoughts and do good karma we celebrate birthday.

Today is Bhogi/sankranti/Pongal and these are special days and in few days we enter into Uttarayana punya kala .Where sun starts rising from North .Uttarayana means north. It also means enlightenment and surya also signifies Yoga .Sun is our sadgurudeva and we ask pray and beg to uplift us.

The Dhanurmasa comes to an end tommarrow and it means DHANUR=Bow = Body

“Like a bow we have oppurtunities to hit goal and we hit the goal with the body joining the mind and heart “
We enter to makara sankramana and we all need to pray to sun god to grace all of us in form of sadgurudeva .Pray Sri Sri Ganapathi Sachchidanada Swamiji to bless all us on this most auspicious occasion.

The significance of the cake explained by Sri Balaswamiji: Comparing with Pancha tatvas:
The cake is made up of 5 elements:
1.Akasha tatva: shabda or nada =we sing happy birthday song.
2.Vaayu: Smell of cake to our nostrils make us excited
3.Agni :Light:We lit the candle (sadgurudeva as light shows us the path )
4.Apa:Water:The moment we think of cake saliva comes into our mouth that essence is water.
5.Earth :We stand on earth and cut the cake.

Another significance is that normally we make a sweet like Mysurpak and make it into pieces (khanda) similarly we cut the big cake to many pieces has a special significance.



note compiler: Please imbibe the essence of the message rather than looking at the Grammer

Courtesy: Sharath

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