
Question & Answer sessions with HH Sri Datta Vijayananda Teertha Swamiji – 2015



Why should we do Pradakshina in a temple? What is the significance?

Answer :

Today everyone believes in doing exercise. Doing Pradakshina (walking around the temple) is the best exercise. That is why the system has been set up. As long as we live, the body should remain healthy, strong, comfortable, and should listen to us. One should live honorably and die painlessly. To happily merge back in God, one must keep the body healthy. In the olden days there were no gymnasiums, and no trainers for exercises. People went to the river, well, or pond to take a bath, wore a dot on the forehead, and went to the temple. They offered lamps, did pradakshina, and received a small quantity of Prasadam. Just because you did more Pradakshinas, if you eat more, the body will double itself. Pradakshina not only helps in maintaining good health, but it also destroys sins committed in several past lifetimes as per the meaning of the mantra, Yanikanicha papani. Some do pradakshina taking very short steps. That, and many of our yoga practices, even sitting up straight, are also a good calorie burners. Doing Pradakshina burns sins, fat, and ego as well. It pleases God. Atma Pradakshina is going around oneself remaining in one place.

Pradakshina is beneficial both physically, spiritually, and from the religious aspect. It strengthens and energizes the body, mind, and the intellect in human beings. That is the secret. Therefore, everyone must do Pradakshina.

Question :

What is the significance in doing Pradakshina to certain trees, as instructed by Guru, and as per our ancient tradition?

Answer :

In the Sri Guru Datta Vaibhavam – the first seven day discourse, this question was already answered unintentionally. Trees give us a lot of energy. The Aswattha (Peepal) Tree gives us electricity which helps the heartbeat. When the pulse rate goes down, a pacemaker is employed to increase and maintain the heart rate. The Peepal tree also helps similarly. Going around an Audumbara tree cures respiratory problems. It removes toxins that we may have inhaled while breathing. The story of Lord Narasimha has explained this clearly. Certain specific trees give us different types of energy. When we touch certain trees, a mutual transfer of electrical energy takes place. Botanists tell us that the leaves of the Aswattha Tree point downwards because they absorb electrical charge from the ground. When we walk on the ground under the Aswattha tree, going around the tree, we absorb that energy.

Especially those who are childless benefit by going around an Aswattha Tree. Naga Devatas/Serpent gods are consecrated at the base of the tree. In the system of nerves and Nadis/subtle energy channels in the body, if there are deficiencies, conception does not take place. Pradakshina to the serpent gods draws the mind’s focus towards the deficient nervous system by alerting the brain, thus helping it to get energized and balanced. Harmonal imbalances in women get rectified. Virility gets increased in men. It is very scientific. I will share an experience.

A Parijata tree was planted. It was thriving. Suddenly it wilted. For three days I had not spoken to it. Then I went to the tree at sunset time, watered the tree, and inquired after its health. I asked it what the problem was. I touched the tree tenderly, removed the dead leaves and offered some loving service. The next day the tree put out fresh, healthy new leaves. By our touch we show the tree that we care. We thus preserve our flora and also increase our own energy levels.

In the Ramayana, three times the topic of doing Pradakshina to trees was mentioned. Mother Sita was asked to go around the Shyama Tree. The Mahabharata also mentions this topic. Every temple has a sacred tree on site. It is good to go around it three times, be it a Bilva Tree, a Kadamba Tree, a Parijata Tree, or a Mango Tree. The Ekamreswara Temple has a Mango Tree. The Aswattha Tree is found in almost all temple premises. Both men and women derive benefit by doing Pradakshina three times to these sacred trees.

Jaya Guru Datta !

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