June 21, 2015

Speech of HH Sri Datta Vijayananda Teertha Swamiji – International Yoga Day – June 21, 2015 – Mysore

Jaya Guru Datta.

Jai bolo Sri Ganapathy Sachchidananda Sadgurunatha Maharaj ki Jai.

Pranams to Swamiji, the chief guest and all the dignitaries. I pray for blessings for everyone.

To celebrate the International Yoga day in the presence of Sadguru, we are all indeed most fortunate. We pray for success in our daily yoga practice. Since 40 years Datta Kriya Yoga is being taught globally by Him. It should be a daily routine for everyone to maintain health. Now through the Indian government and the United Nations, we are urged to develop our awareness and practice globally, of Yoga as a part of our lifestyle. We are very happy that June 21st has been declared as the International Yoga Day. Globally all are celebrating. Teaching and practicing Yoga is very essential.

Let us learn more Yoga for individual and social benefit. This chance is being given to us. I offer my pranams to Swamiji. Remember Sage Patanjali. He is Adi Sesha avatara, an incarnation of Lord Vishnu. I offer him my prostrations. He has taught thousands of subjects. But unfortunately, many have been lost. One of the subjects he taught is yoga. Another is Grammar. He also taught us Ayurveda as Charaka.

yogaajyotissamuddeptam jayalakshmee nrsimhayoho
advayam sachchidanandam sadgurum tam namaamyaham ||
yoga vidyaa chitrabhaanum chitrabhaanu saradbhavam
Jnanadam sachchidanandam sadgurum tam namaamyaham ||

Like the Sun, Swamiji spreads the rays of yoga and knowledge in the world. I prostrate to Sadguru. This Sadguru Stuti/Hymn to Sadguru dedicates, out of nine verses, two for yoga. Such a great Sadguru we have. In the presence of great yogis we learn and practice. We are indeed blessed. What is yoga? Now an awareness is being created.
3 words. Eating is bhoga/luxury Digesting is yoga/merging Indigestion is Roga/disease.
That is why we must learn Yoga.

We must remain healthy. Unless we are healthy our society will not be healthy. We have no time for ourselves. That is why diseases come even at a young age. Even babies and youth are falling sick. Yoga is very important.

People ask: Why not just do exercises? Will they not suffice? We are healthy without yoga. Why should we do yoga?
These are all useless arguments. Exercise gives energy and strength, no doubt, but only to the body. But mind and intellect also need strength and health. Only with all three remaining healthy, we thrive. Yoga removes diseases of the mind, intellect and body. It makes us strong overall. We forget mind and focus only on body. Mind gives rise to intentions and desires. Intellect directs us to actions. Without these two, we cannot live. Now Swamiji is 73 years old. Believe me. Thousands of people came to visit Swamiji during the Birthday Celebrations. At 4 am His routine begins and ends at 11 pm daily. He is only 17 years old, gauging by his level of activity. He is a born divine incarnation, no doubt. But observe. 3-4 pm He has time for Himself. But He still gives interviews during that time. No rest. Daily He does yoga abhyasa. Without fail. That should inspire us. Acharya is one who does Acharana and shows us. He practices what He preaches and demonstrates to us the benefits.

Mind, intellect, and body. 3 sutras/principles – yoga gives. Asana alone is not enough. Pranayama, jnana krama, and Dhyana also are necessary. Since 40 years Swamiji is teaching. Exercises make the body fit. But the mind remains undeveloped and unpurified.

Incoming is more and outgoing is less – that is the problem today. Constipation is a major problem in the world. The stomach generates all diseases. If the stomach is healthy, man remains healthy. If the body is healthy, good thoughts come. One classmate of mine went only once in 3 days to the bathroom. He had a bad smell about him.
Pachana Kriya, digestion, the stomach does. Yoga helps with digestion. There is a sloka which explains the four types of pachana/feature of digestion.

Swamiji teaches us how to maintain health. Ahara, vihara, and vichara – all three must be regulated for good health – food intake, recreation, and thoughts entertained.

The Yoga Vashishtha says that the most important four things to cultivate and practice are: Shama, vichara, santosha, and sadhu sangama. Self control and self restraint which are Shama, come from yoga practice. Vichara or vicharana is cultivation of good thoughts. Pranayama helps towards this. Laughter gives the greatest benefit. One should develop a sense of humor and learn to be happy. Happiness/ Santosha comes from sadhu sangama/association with holy persons. Our good fortune is that we have the association of the Supreme Sadhu, Master Yogi, Swamiji with us. We pray for success in our yoga practices.

Trimurtis, Brahma, Vishnu, and Siva – do so much yoga.
Brahma creates with the help of yoga. He is always in Padmasana.

Vishnu resides in the mighty ocean. Adi Sesha, the hissing serpent is His bed. Naga represents Yoga. Vishnu is at peace always. He protects all the worlds.

Siva always does yoga keeping the holy river Ganga on His head, keeping the third eye of Fire on His forehead, and holding the Halahal poison in His throat. It is freezing cold all around Him. He is in the company of a bull, a mouse, and a peacock. Yet, He remains most balanced and calm.

Tri-Matas – the three divine mothers also practice yoga and so do all the gods also.

Hundreds of teachers have been trained by Swamiji to teach Datta Kriya Yoga. International Yoga Day is not only for this day. But for every day. Daily 12 Surya Namaskaras everyone must perform. Be healthy. Keep the society happy.

I offer prostrations on behalf of all of us to Sadgurudeva’s holy feet for success of Yoga in everyone’s life.

Sri Guru Datta

Compiled by Smt Hira Duvvuri

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