June 28, 2024

Speech of HH Sri Ganapathy Sachchidananda Swamiji during Darshana in the evening – June 28, 2024 – Hanuman Hindu Temple, London, UK

Swamiji’s music is available on all the leading music platforms (iTunes, YouTube Music, Spotify etc). Also download Kavachas, mantras and various albums on your phone.

These Rama Bhajans (from the album Sri Rama Smaranam) were composed while Swamiji was in Ayodhya. So they are very powerful. Nama Sankeertana has powerful mantras you must listen to daily. Listen to bhajans for half an hour or one hour everyday; or listen to bhajans before going to bed, and sleep. Play the music on low volume. The vibrations will enter the mind and the body and fill the nervous system. We need such energy before going to bed. While driving, do not speak unnecessarily. Debating politics, money matters, quarreling, arguing etc are a waste of time, no use. If you need to discuss business matters, sit in one place and talk about business, budget etc. Discuss your budget every month with your family at home.

Enquire daily with your children who are studying about what’s on their mind. Let them share their feelings, understand them and what they want. This is very important. Otherwise, you will have a difficult time managing them later. Talk to them, share, participate and help them. Then, the children will turn out to be good. We must sit with children once in a while to understand their feelings.

Some keep devotion only in their heart. Caste doesn’t matter, everyone can serve with the body and mind. Sit with yourself and meditate daily for about 40 minutes. You will understand yourself. Stay silent and meditate. Look inside at your body. Travel within your body. Travel to all the chakras. Practice for one month and you will see how happy you get. You will realize the immense happiness after one month of practice. That happiness is immeasurable. It will feel so good. You must meditate for 40 minutes a day. Give up everything for that duration and go within to see your light and your Atman.

Meditation not only leads to Moksha, but also grants immense happiness in this world. We are living in an electronic world. This is all fake. It is an illusion. The mind is always attracted to and running after various things. You must control yourself. Your mind should be in your control. The sense organs should be in your control. This body is a big chariot. It is very sacred and valuable. Do not spoil the body. You are filled with too much kama/desire and krodha/anger. Do not waste your life in kama and krodha. Control yourself. Then, you will understand how happiness comes to you. It’s not necessary to search for happiness elsewhere. It is within you, in your body and mind. Do not search books and gurus. Of course Gurus and books give good experience, but look for happiness within you.

God gave us such an opportunity. You can use this opportunity. Daily you must discipline yourself. That would be very good. When you get old, this training will help you greatly. When you realize that in your old age, please remember me and what I told you. But you must practice. You must sit in silence for at least 20 minutes. You have powerful energy that God gave you.

You get good energy with bhajans, music, satsanga, temple visits etc. This is all energy, they are not trivial matters. The moortis or idols are not toys. They are prana, they are energy. God is always with us as a friend, as a family member, protector and savior. If you have any problem, you can convey your problems to Hanumanta, Rama, Durgi, any god. Definitely, the energy will help you.

We must protect our Dharma. We must protect this temple. It is our duty. You can do seva physically, or render Annadana or other sevas. Serve any way you can. This is our temple, everyone has a right to serve here. Do not miss the opportunity. Do not hesitate. Do not be stingy. Do not be afraid. We are all one. This place belongs to everyone.
So many different minds are here. But we are all traveling in one boat – the spiritual boat. If possible, you can study the meaning of Bhagavad Gita daily and try to memorize the Gita. Daily chant one chapter, study the meaning of one shloka. Then, you will understand. Your Sadguru is in your heart. You do not need a physical connection. Swamiji is your friend and family member. I am invisibly always blessing you. I am always thinking about you.

Whether I am sitting in a place or traveling, I am thinking about you. Be good devotees. Be good doctors. Be good lawyers, be good business men. I bless you. God gave us this body and energy. This is a good opportunity. Do not waste this energy. Do not think bad things. Do not waste time. Time is very precious.

God has given us time. By God’s grace, we have a human birth. God has given us body, intellect etc. He has given to us, we have to give back to him. God created flowers, they are so beautiful. They have beautiful colors. You are also like flowers. You are all very good people. There are no bad people in this world.

This is our Ashrama. This is our birthright. Do not worry about what someone else is saying about you. You can leave the temple only if Hanuman is asking you to leave, not if anyone else does. This is our temple, we will serve here.
I already told you about mental seva, now I am telling you about physical seva. Please protect yourself, your temple, your spirituality. I am not speaking of a religion. I am speaking of human dharma. You may have some practice at home, but at this temple, it’s only one practice.

Do not wait for members to ask you to help, you come forward to help. Who are the committee members? They are like you. Swamiji has only given them a little more responsibility. In the future, you too may have responsibility. What your parents wanted you to do here, you must do. If you serve here the way your parents liked, that is good.

This trip is a miracle. That Swamiji is sitting here and speaking is His grace. I was going to completely cancel this trip. The body is not in my control.

You are very lucky, that is why Swamiji is sitting here and speaking. This is not my energy, it is your devotion. I am here because of your love. That love is holding me. Your love holds me and is pulling me up. It is only your devotion. You have won. The love you have for me, you cannot even express or show.
You are my loving children.

All of you are good people. You have pure devotion. Sometimes, the intellect goes astray, but you are pure devotees. I am not praising you. I am witnessing it.

I am also wondering how Swamiji is here. Of course, I will come later too, but this is a very miserable time in my body. I took others’ problems and that is battering the body. But now I am traveling because I promised. This is my good karma. I am blessing everyone. Do not forget this temple.

Yesterday, everyone came forward to support the Surat temple. I was so happy. I did countless projects in the past. I must have told Prasad a hundred times that Surat program is now taken care of. It is a lifetime achievement to build a temple. It’s a big Yajna. Last night, I was happy beyond measure.

I bless you once again.

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