May 19, 2024

Speech of HH Sri Ganapathy Sachchidananda Swamiji during inauguration of Brahmotsava – 25th Anniversary & Brahmotsava – May 19, 2024 – Sri Datta Venkateshwara Kshetra, Mysore

Sri Venkateshaya Namaha.

We hear the Suprahabhatam everyday. We hear Vishnu Sahasranama Nama once in a while. When we understand the meaning of these hymns, we get courage, enthusiasm and the will to conquer life. So, we should keep listening to the above two. We can easily do it if we wake up a little early each day. Gradually, we’ll memorize it too.

This is true for Vishnu or Shiva or Lalita Saharanamamas. There is that power in these hymns. We should listen to this every morning as soon as we wake up. Also when traveling in car, instead of chattering, listen to Divya Nama Sankeertana. Don’t speak on the phone. The government has mandated rules to wear helmet while riding two-wheelers. God has given us a tape recorder in our head, that must be protected. Hymns, Shlokas, God’s greatness should all be recorded in that tape recorder.

When there are difficulties in this world, we go to the government and officers for help, but without God’s help, the files will not move and nothing will happen. Therefore, when you pray with your Atma Shakti, your work will be done.
God, while being invisible, gives us strength. What is visible will end. Sri Rama, Sri Krishna, etc., left their body. So, whatever is visible may have the power of God, but God is invisible. Every house, not every village or temple, has a story related to God. Everyone that believes they are not devotees automatically offer Namaskaras when they stop in front of a temple. That is the devotion that is naturally in the Hindus.

As age advances, our Buddhi and faith, and charitable nature should also grow. All temples and institutions are built with stones. As long as the Earth is there, the signs of those temples will exist. When we learn about the history of temples, we feel great happiness knowing the rich history. I am looking at the paintings in this temple. The Trinidad artists painted this temple with great devotion and faith. We also gave them a few Indian artists for support. We are happy to do this event’s inauguration inside this temple.

Shivaratri Swami’s love for us is as great as his Gurus’ love for us. If his guru found out Swamiji had a slight fever, he would keep calling to see how Swamiji was.
This temple is very special for Pujya Bala Swamiji (HH Sri Datta Vijayananda Teertha Swamiji).

Incidentally, our temple has also come up close to the JSS temple in Washington, USA.
This year, we didn’t have much rains, but our Yajnas recently got us much rains. Everyone participate in Govinda Seva. 25 years is not an ordinary matter. Everyone participate in Annadana Seva and Govinda Seva. The programs will take place even if you don’t, but you must also be part of it. 25th year will not happen again. They say 25th year is a turning point. We should all join this Seva.

Everyone listening in America Live should all participate in Govinda Seva.

I am very fond of Shivaratri Swami’s Guru and his Guru. I was a boy of 4-5 years old when his Guru’s Guru used to keep writing Om Namah Shivaya. I would sit in front of him silently. He would occasionally lift his head and then go back to writing.

Venkataramana Swami’s Yantra is Sri Yantra, which is Shiva’s Yantra. Even if it rains, the programs will go on. I am very happy, Shivaratri Swami is here.

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