May 20, 2024

Speech of HH Sri Ganapathy Sachchidananda Swamiji 25th Anniversary & Brahmotsava – May 20, 2024 – Sri Datta Venkateshwara Kshetra, Mysore

Temple Pratishthas take place according to the Agamas and Vedas. One way of doing Pratishthas is for humans to come together and set up a temple for that street or town. There is also way for a family to have their own temple.
If we go back in time, the tradition of Rishis too would set up temples. Going back a little further, Devatas would establish temples, and going back even more are Udbhava – self-born – temples. There are some other temples where saints and Devatas would visibly establish temples.

Someone asked: China, America, etc., are so big, but why didn’t these great souls go there, why did they only go to India? Children these days ask that question.

The response for them: Bharat is the apt place for Devatas. India is such. It is very favorable for Devatas, their stay, for spiritual life, for tapas, etc. The Himalayas, the environment, the six seasons can all be found in India. If you go closer to Sikkim and neighboring states, you will experience all six seasons. That is why, it is a very favorable atmosphere for Devatas and humans. The land used to be indivisible once upon a time, and the present day India used to be its center. Bharat is called Brahma Pradesham. Brahma Sthala is the center where all Devatas would gather and from where all programs would run. Current day India too is Brahma Sthalam, that is why all incarnations took place here.

Almost 80% of all Rakshasas were also born here. What about in other countries? There were barely any civilizations in other countries. So, aren’t there Rakshasas in other countries? Children refuse to believe there are no Rakshasas in other places. Of course, Rakshasas were born in other places too. But they did not stay there, they come to India for their profits and desires. We suffered a lot due to them. They looted and plundered us and divided us. They incited in us craze for money and caste. What else but Rakshasas are they!

That is why all of us, like Devatas, are fighting them through business, or education, or knowledge, or intelligence, as they all now have retreated to their countries and are fighting as Rakshasas from their own land. That is why we have a deity for each family. We must. That deity protects us; we are protecting our Dharma and Faith. We respect relationships, we respect Guru-Shishya relationship, we know Papa Vs Punya, sin vs. merit.

Therefore, this India or Bharat is the Deva Bhoomi where Devatas lived.
In this Deva Bhoomi is Sri Ganapathy Sachchidananda Ashrama.
Venkataramana Swami temple is here. We will talk about this in small episodes every day. We cannot talk about this enough.
We cannot study the Lord’s stories enough number of times, ever.

Mangala Arati just got done. Today is Day 2 of the program. We are observing these Brahmotsavas in a simple manner because it is the elections period here. Otherwise, we would have celebrated this occasion in a grand manner. You all must adjust and be here, because you will not get this opportunity again. If you miss this, the feeling of having missed it will haunt you after death too. Unless it’s very urgent, stay here with Me.

I really enjoyed the weather yesterday because it rained. It is nice to get drenched in the rain, to run, to slip and fall and then to eat hot food. Of course, we don’t want rains everyday, it’s good if we can get the rains once in 2-3 days. We can enjoy hot food.

Yesterday, we started the event amidst rains. Because the Ritviks did Parjanya Japa, we had rains. The programs are good, it is not too noisy. We are celebrating here instead of in Nada Mantapa.

Visit Bonsai Gardens. No need to tell you how to visit Annadana Mandir. Clean the Ashrama, especially owing during these rains. Clean the places where you stay.
Clean the bathrooms, all sins will vanish.

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