Moola Grantha names 41-50

Lalita Sahasranama meanings per name

41. Indragopa-parikśipta-smaratūnābha-jamghikā

Meaning – Her beautifully proportioned calf muscles resemble the beautiful quiver of Manmatha (Lord of desires) that is encircled/decorated by thousands of beautiful tiny insects called Indragopas.

Indragopas are red tiny insects that are seen during rains. They have a short lifespan and come in groups of thousands.

The strength of the calf muscles in her beautifully proportionate legs is being highlighted. Strong calf muscles are the basis for all our physical activities.

42. Gūdha-gulphā

Meaning – Her ankles that are round and well shaped are secretively hidden (goodha).
The subtle inference here is that She is secretly protecting those sadhakas who are on the path of salvation.

43. Kūrma-praśtha-jayiśnu-prapadānvitā

(This is one name and hence should be read without pause).

Meaning – Her beautiful shapely feet are arched even more majestically than the back shell of the tortoise (kurma).
Lord’s Maha Vishnu’s incarnation of Kurma (Kurma avatar) teaches us that tortoise (Kurma) is the support of the universe. Comparing Her feet to a tortoise shell signifies that She is the support for the universe. Worshipping Her feet is equivalent of worshipping the entire universe.

44. Nakhadīdhiti-sanchanna-namajjana-tamogunā

Meaning – The bright illumination (tejas) emanating from Her toe nails destroys the tamas (ignorance) of all those who offer obeisance (namaskar) to Her.

Tamas is inertia and ignorance (darkness). We prostrate to the deity so that the energy/ illumination from His feet flows on to our Sahasrara (top of the head) and thereon spread to the entire body. With this the intellect will glow/spurt. Darkness automatically ceases to exist the moment light falls on it.

45. Pada-dvaya-prabhā-jāla-parākrta-saroruhā

Meaning- The endless brilliance (prabha) originating from both Her feet outshine even the most shining lotuses (padma).

Devi’s feet are the divine everlasting lotuses and not the short-lived lotuses that are commonly found. Spiritual aspirants who have imprinted Her feet in their mind & intellect achieve accomplishment quickly. In this name, Her position as a Guru is emphasized. The gaze of a disciple should always be upon the Guru’s feet.

The hymn below describes the Guru’s feet –
Vande Gurupada dwandam avaangmaanasa gocharam
Raktashukla prabha mishra atarkyaim traipuram mahah

Meaning – I mentally salute and worship the lotus feet of my Guru that are beyond description, beyond imagination and beyond the reach of both speech and mind (vak and manas). They are an admixture of 2 colours- rakta (blood red) and shukla (white). The luster of these divine supreme feet spreads beyond all the 3 worlds.

The feet of the Devi/ Guru dispel the ignorance of the disciple.

In Soundarya Lahiri, Her feet are glorified in the 4th stanza Tvadanya pānibhyām. This verse implies that ‘to dispel our fears, it is enough if we look at Her divine feet. She does not need to display any mudra to achieve this.’

46. Siñjāna-mani-mañjīra-mandita-srīpadāmbujā

Meaning- The anklets (nupur) on Her feet, ornamented with various precious stones, make a sweet and melodious sound. Those sounds generated from Her anklets are the Vedas (shruti).

Anklets are very sacred. Every lady should wear anklets on her feet. A very special significance is hidden behind this custom.

47. Marālī-manda-gamanā

Meaning – Her gait (gamana) is as graceful as a Swan (maraali, hamsa).

Walk should be graceful and slow. Walking softly without noise is a trait in itself. Manda is one of the names of Shani (Saturn). By using the word ‘manda’ in this name, it implies that she removes the troubles and afflictions caused by Saturn from those who worship Her.

Hamsa is the synonym for maraali. ‘Hamsa’ is symbolic of our breath/ life force (refer Guru Gita for details soham-hamsa). Also, amongst the saints (yogis) there are 4 levels – kutichaka, bahudaka, hamsa and Paramahamsa with the paramahamsas being the most supreme. She protects all these types of Yogis.

Note- Feet should not be dragged when walking. Not only is it unhealthy, but also it is a sin (dosha) and it depicts that there is no brightness/ luster (tejas) and no yogam in the person dragging the feet.

48. Mahā-lāvanya-śevadhih

Meanings –

1) She is an ocean (sevadhih) of limitless, indescribable and exquisite beauty (maha lavanya).
All this description of Her form concludes with the final declaration that Her beauty is limitless and beyond description! All that has been detailed in the names so far is just a drop in the ocean of Her beauty!

2) ‘Maha’ means most supreme (Parama, Brahma). ‘Lavanya’ means bliss (ananda). Therefore it means that She is an ocean of most Supreme Bliss (Brahmananda, Paramananda). She bestows such bliss on those who worship Her.

49. Sarvārunā

Meaning – She is completely in red colour (aruna) all over. Everything associated with Her is red. Her tattva (essence) is also of red hue.

The red colour symbolizes Her compassion that is beyond comprehension. Reciting the mantra ‘Om Sarvarunāyai namah’ is the easiest way to please Her!

50. Anavadyāngī

Meaning – She is faultless in every part of the body and is flawlessly beautiful. Her limbs are in perfect shape.

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