Vasishtha, June 7 2016

Discourse on Yoga Vasishtha

June 7 2016

It has been almost a month since the last Yoga Vasishtha discourse. In the meantime, we have celebrated Sri Swamiji’s Birthday, the Golden Jubilee of the SGS Ashrama, the SDVT Brahmotsavas and other events.

There is a void in the mind if the Yoga Vasishtha is not discussed, although I study it in private. Speaking about it makes a big difference. In Leelopakhyana, Gagana or Gamana Varnana is what this section is called – like a mother and daughter or two close friends, Leela Devi and Moth Goddess Saraswati are traveling, seeing the different worlds, galaxies, etc. What is it they have not seen? They have seen the entire creation. The universe is within the sky of the heart. Mother Goddess took Leela Devi to that state of dhyana and had her see the entire creation.

This entire space containing all that they see and experience is located between the Heart Chakra and the Ajna Chakra. They are both in the heart-sky or hridyakasa of Leela Devi. In dhyana she went. Not just our solar system, but all the galaxies in the cosmos she saw. They went above all the solar systems and are looking down. This is that description. They have gone beyond all created worlds. Mother Goddess shows Leela Devi all the wondrous sights. What is the relevance of this description in Vedanta?

Vedanta declares that Creation as such does not even exist. Leela Devi will become a Jeevanmukta in course of time. She is in the process of becoming one. Such ones know everything. How is it possible? How can one person see everything and know everything? What we need to understand is that such persons have unlocked the key to Creation itself. They have realized the principle of Creation itself, the secret that lies beyond it. No matter about what secrets you ask, of beyond and above, they will know the answers. They know everything beyond any doubt. That is why this description of the sky or Gagana is given. This is a wondrous description. In dhyana it is a nourishment with amrita that one experiences and relishes. Regardless of how long one sits in dhyana one does not feel tired or bored. One feels joyous and excited. They are happy in their internal travel, who travel in their dhyana state.

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Outsiders will not understand. The world of meditators is a totally different world. One must taste that state. How the two of them experience all the different worlds and sights is explained to us out of compassion upon us by Sage Valmiki. Remember that Leela devi only went inward, into her own consciousness. She never went anywhere outside. The two together are traveling. What is that sky like? We have already heard many details. At another place, like a dense dark cloud, as dark as collyrium, the black paste applied to the eyes, a mountainous cloud was rising. They are viewing this. Around the edges of the clouds a golden lining is seen. In the evening, the golden rays of the sun give a glittering edging to the clouds which hide the sun, like a saree border. In the bhajan, Devi viradroopa, ‘tudalandu vennelala velugeenedi’ – that line is Swamiji’s description of such a cloud with a luminous lining. The scene in the evening melts away our stress and tiredness, when we look up at the sky and watch the beautiful clouds glittering in the colors of the setting sun. Those who read or work for hours on end should take a break at twilight time. One is forbidden by the scriptures, from studying at twilight time. What is studied will not be retained if one reads at that time. We are reminded here of that rule. In the Upadesa that took place in Ayodhya, it is the fourth day. All the people in the court disperse in the evenings. It is the time reserved for contemplation on God, for prayer, for solitude or silence. Do Satsang or sing bhajans in the evening. Do not allow children to study at twilight time. Watch the clouds and the sky and feel refreshed. In dhyana, countless such scenes are seen. What are good scenes and what are bad scenes? What gives us joy is good. What gives us stress is a bad scene. After rain has subsided, the rain cloud regains its lighter hue.

Rishyamuka Parvata is now remembered by Valmiki. It appears as if a cloth was draped over the hill. Chamundi hill also appears with a cloud cap on some mornings. Viewing that is a good omen. It bodes well. Unexpected viewing of such a scene will make something good to happen that day. Swamiji has built the ashram here so that effortlessly we have darshan of a shaktipeetha in Chamundi Hill darshan. They also saw a void where nothing existed. It was like a still ocean. They continued their travel. In the wind, aircrafts were being blown away. The celestial vehicles were getting blown away like pieces of straw in the forceful gale. Like some small bees the aircrafts were flying about. The breezes were blowing from the Meru mountain like rivers. The celestials were seen flying in the sky. The Matruka or Yogini Devatas like Kali Mata were all dancing in nakedness. Unmatta Yogeeswara groups were there, appearing in an insane state. The two ladies remained unafraid. Sloka. Another place appeared like the heart of a Sadhu. Dattatreya is a Rakshaka of Sadhus. In Samadhi state the Sadhus are tranquil and serene. They saw many munis or ascetics who had renounced all their karmas. They are at total peace and rest. Like their hearts, they saw places saturated with calmness. There were Gandharvas and demigods traveling about. There were moving cities also.

It is predicted that in 2050 or 2100 there will be such cities created on earth. They have projected some animations of such cities to come. They saw Brahma’s city and illusory cities and yet-to-come or yet to be built cities. At another place they saw a nectarine lake that looked like the moon. It was moving with ripples. This is an experience in dhyana. Many lakes with divine energies were there. Sun and moon were seen rising. Darkness was seen and golden horizons were seen. Like pictures on a screen they saw on the heart’s screen all these varying sights. In the atmosphere with no support, the Lokapalakas were resting. Suras sand asuras were hastily traveling. Some places were absolutely void with not a single mountain. Some places were filled with mountains. Where is Creation? Everything is covered here in this experience. Just empty skies in a vast area were there. One may go on imagining to any extent. It is called viyath. It is endless. If you run against a wall, creation will continue from there again. A dense, dark, cave was seen, extending for countless miles. In the Amazon forest they say such miles-long caves exist. It was recently discovered. Perhaps the Black Hole is something like this.

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Light regions and dark regions, thundering clouds, and quiet clouds, are all seen. Sloka Another place is just like the heart of a person who has reached the highest state or Paramapada. There is no contamination whatsoever. It is perfectly clean, clear, and pristine. No trace of a cloud of ignorance. They saw such a place. Sukra’s vehicle. the frog, was making a noise. Sukra means celestial or something radiant. Golden frogs. I learned this just now that Sukra’s vehicle is the frog. The forest dwellers perform a frog marriage if someone has trouble getting married. They do also marriage with donkeys. For rainfall also they do frogs marriage. Why? Sukra is the kalatrakaraka, one who grants a spouse. May be the tradition started here. Perhaps getting frogs married will please Sukra, and he will grant his blessings. Vidyadhara women and other demi gods had peacock vehicles flying about in the skies. …buffering Agni Suka is mentioned. Parrot is the vehicle of fire. Parrot. If we safeguard the vehicle he will be pleased. Health is also wealth. Fire’s vehicle is parrot. They saw countless parrots. Also buffaloes, the vehicle of Yama in huge numbers. Horses, the vehicles of Indra were flying. The two women found it difficult to enter certain cities. The breeze was so strong it was going to make holes in the mountains. They could not withstand its force to approach such cities.

In dhyana sometimes some frightening sounds are also heard. Like a roar. Ask Guru whether it is safe to hear this sound or not. If necessary, if Guru advises, see a doctor. During spiritual practices it is important to keep consulting with Guru for guidance and advice when extraordinary experiences occur.

Bhairava was dancing. Garuda was dancing. A hill with wings rose up and flew. High clouds and celestial lotuses were refreshingly cool with cool winds. There were hot gusts of wind also. Some places were still. Hills with horns were rising. Thundering clouds were roaring. Celestial swans were seen and this sight is a good scene to see in dhyana. It bodes well. It indicates good fortune. The scene should occur on its own. A woman carrying a pot full of water is a good omen. It should happen on its own. If you manipulate such a thing, as people do, expecting it as a good omen, it may not have the same effect. Ganga river was seen, and other river confluences were seen. Crabs and other insects were leaping about. Solar eclipses were seen. In just one line of a sloka, the incidence was explained. Surya went to Patala, it is said. It is the shadow that causes the eclipse. Between the earth and the sun, the moon gets in between and blocks the view of the sun, causing a solar eclipse. The orb of the sun is blocked from our view. The Astrological science explains it clearly. Also lunar eclipse with the earth blocking the view of the moon was explained. The shadow of the earth fell on the moon. In half a sloka it was described. That a snake swallows the orb is a story to tell children. This is to caution people to remain steady in their minds and not to engage in disturbing activities.

The eclipses and planets exercise a great influence upon our minds. We must use caution. All this sightseeing occurred in perhaps 15 minutes of dhyana. Mantra Japa has the power to destroy the sins accumulated over thousands of lifetimes. If you get absorbed in your meditation and if your prayer is genuine and you shed tears, it will definitely remove your sins. The tears of joy require great penance to naturally generate. Steel plants have stoves to melt iron. You cannot compare that with a household stove. The intense heat generated within our hearts is bhakti. One mantra has that power to generate such heat. The piece of iron to melt at home will take a long time. In an instant it melts in a steel foundry. Spiritual practices make that difference. The aspirant’s sins will melt away. Iron will flow like water. Dense mass of sins will melt and flow away. Then doshas will go away. The flowers from the celestial gardens were showering down. The celestial maidens were jumping in surprise or shock. Sloka The beings of the three worlds appeared like the fine insects whizzing around the fruits of an Audumbara tree. You can imagine the state where the ladies were placed. They proceeded forward. They rested for a while and returned to the earth. It means, in Yoga one is traveling upwards and returning to the Muladhara Chakra. Always a procedure must be followed carefully. Gradual movement is important. Even in rituals or bhajan satsang, abrupt endings are not permitted. They saw everything as witnesses. When you pray for powers, Sadguru will not give them to you until you earn the capacity to withstand them safely. Leela Devi was unmoved by this experience. She remained calm and steady. Now the return journey takes place. Now the earth is described. Now Saraswati, the Mother Goddess shows Leela Devi, as per her wish, Padmaraju, her husband.

We will continue tomorrow.

Jaya Guru Datta
Sri Guru Datta

Om santissantissantihi

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