Speech of HH Sri Ganapathy Sachchidananda Swamiji during Maha Shivaratri following the Agni puja on the morning of March 7, 1997
As was common during the annual Maha Shivaratri celebrations, Pujya Swamiji performed the Agni Puja this year too. Arriving at 06.30 a.m. on the puja platform, Pujya Swamiji performed the ceremony and entered the fire pit at about 7 a.m. and spent little more than 13 minutes worshipping the Fir god, the embodiment of Lord Shiva Himself. His Holiness manifested two objects – a crystal Shiva Lingam and a Bana Lingam.
The post Agni Puja discourse of His Holiness was
Acts of selflessness call of the hour
“Swamiji has received during the Agni Puja a Bana Lingam which represents Agni, one of the important Five Elements (Pàncha Tattvas), which is in the form of Ajna Chakra and the sun God, who is the eye of this planet. The Bana Lingam is the form of a Agni Netra (third eye). One side of this Bana Lingam is red in colour which depicts the Ardhanareeswara Tattva. One side is Prakiti, the other side is Purusha. One of the effulgent sunrays has been sent to us in this form. One other side of the Bana Lingam can be seen the formless principle of Shiva Tattva. Bu this we can conclude that what appears to be danger like natural disaster will benefit us. This eye shaped Bana Lingam is beneficial to all us.
The second object is a Shatika (pure crystal) Shiva Lingam. It represents the Jala Tattva (the principal of water). It indicates disasters like flooding this year. The first Lingam, the Bana Lingam, gives us protection, then He, Lord Shiva, takes unto Him those souls in whichever manner He wants. Showing a light through the Bana Lingam is taking the souls through the Jala Tattva. Till now the principle of Agni bothered the planet, now water will cause havoc.
It is Shiva Tattva which says that we understand the totality of Paramatma only when we diminish. As we become effulgent. What should diminish ? That intelligence which says “I am a Jnàni” should diminish. When that intelligence diminishes, we can then understand the light of Shiva.
Shiva causes the illusory world, makes his creations accumulate Karma and then removes them. It is like Shiva creating a self moving machine. Thus we alone have to reap the fruits of our actions. How to crode our Karma ? Through another Karma. Karma alone can remove Karma. Like removing a thorn with another thorn. We cannot remove a thorn stuck in our foot with a lump of butter. If a thorn is stuck in our heart, it pains. Since the pain is unbearable, it has to be removed. So we have to bear the extra pain of another thorn being pierced to remove the first thorn.
Many try to escape from their Karma. It is impossible. The fruit of Karma has to be experienced. Any Karma that has been done knowingly has to be experienced in a knowing manner.
Karma is like a house lock. Imagine a house lock. You put the key in the lock and turn it clockwise, it opens. Turn it anti clockwise, it locks. Likewise Karma acts both ways. It locks as well as unlocks i.e. it imprisons you as well as frees you. Some say that karma always imprisons you. That is wrong. If we do our Karma in a selfless manner, our previous Karma gets erased. There can be no bargain. If you do half selfishly and half selflessly, then it will not work.
To practise selfless Karma, you need guidance of a Sadguru. You must live the Vedantic way. Your past Karma sometimes bring you unhappiness. The selfless Karma you do now will erase that old Karma and bring you relief. You are born now because of your past Karma and bring you relief.
You are born now because of your past Karma. So then what is the use of all the Puja, Homa and other worship you do now ? How long have you to perform and worship like this ? There is only one answer. For the past Karma that were done without intention i.e. unintentionally, do good Karma like Puja, meditation, Sadguru seva, helping the needy etc. fully aware of these Karmas and without any intention of self glorification or self upliftment. This is the Karma theory. But if you do any of the good Karma for self upliftment, then your past Karmas will not diminish. Lord Shiva is in a constant search of such souls who perform Karma in a selfless manner. The search is to absorb such souls unto Him. All souls will merge in Him one day.
These two objects, the Bana and Shiva Lingams, were not created or manifested by Swamiji. They were created elsewhere. They only manifest by themselves here. Creation is only a mind game. The game that instigates the thought process.
For those who worship the formless (Nirakara), the Akash (sky) manifest by itself. Those with a form when they worship a form (sakaara) then only do they get authority to move on to the formless. Not otherwise. First you have to figure out if you are with form or without form. If you conclude that you have a form, then you have no authority to worship the formless. You are bound to worship the Parameshwara with form. The principle of formless will flower in you gradually. We have to achieve Advaita (non duality) through Dvaita (duality).
Many Vedantic principals can be explained with the aid of similes and examples. But only a Sadguru can decide which principles can be put in to practise and which cannot be. You should listen the instructions of the Sadguru.
It was ourselves that we created in our heart a form for the formless God. We gave names to those forms as Ganapathi, Shiva, Vishnu etc. It is alright. There is nothing wrong in that. But some vested interests started fights between Shiva and Vishnu devotees. Some are spreading religion. Some do business with religion. Let it happen ! It is all His Leela (play) and His wish. My religion is that of devotion. Protect your Dharma. Some oppose Dharma. Some oppose religion. Some oppose God. But the one who distinguishes between Shiva and Vishnu is the real atheist because all are of His form only.
Let us all focus on Shiva and follow the path of devotion and perform selfless Karma and try to get rid of the Karma barrier.
This year will have troubles with water, small wars and a new health problem. Let us seek protection from chanting the name of Shiva. Do not travel unnecessarily. When you have to travel, be careful. Be disciplined in your diet. Chant
“Om Namah Shivaya”
thoughout the year. It is natural to be selfish. But don’t be selfish than what is really necessary. Keep your selfish attitude in check. Swamiji will speak more on this Shiva Tattva and the water Tattva tonight.
Jay Guru Datta
Courtesy: Avadhoota Dattapeetham