June 10, 2012

Speeches of HH Sri Ganapathy Sachchidananda Swamiji – June 10, 2012 – Mysore

Jaya Guru Datta

Swamiji’s message June 10 morning, 2012 Mysore

Do not simply utter the words, “It is okay if Swamiji does not talk to me individually. I am satisfied if he gives darshan. It is enough if He blesses us.” This attitude of yours should be shown in your actions, not just words.  Do not simply waste time. Always be engaged in some service, cleaning floors washing dirty plates, watering plants, picking up trash, or if you cannot do any of the above, at least sit down and write ‘Om Namo Hanumate Namaha’.

Swamiji is sending beautiful messages daily on vimeo.com, MMS – Musical Message Sayings – with his own voice rendering God’s names or inspirational sayings, with beautiful music, and wonderful high definition videos. It takes 5 days to prepare each video. 15 to 20 youngsters have dedicated their time for doing this service for Swamiji. Please watch them everyday. Write your comments on Vimeo that you like the videos, the messages, the music, the voice of Swamiji and how each video is changing your attitude and your life. The messages are coming in 8 different languages. Your own native language is also there. If you do not understand any of the languages, at least enjoy listening to Swamiji’s voice and the music. Enjoy the beautiful scenery videos and the creativity of each project. Don’t come to the ashram just for interviews and for talking about your problems. Sit for awhile. Listen to Swamiji’s words of spiritual wisdom. Pay attention. Life is short, no matter how important you may be in society. Even Mayors and Kings die. Listen carefully and try to understand Swamiji’s messages and practice them in your life. Some change must occur in you and your lifestyle after you come to Swamiji. Do not be always preoccupied only with your personal problems even after coming to the ashram. You must learn some spiritual knowledge.

Lord Krishna lamented that although Arjuna knew Him all his life and was very affectionately addressing Him as brother-in-law, he never truly understood Him. Arjuna wanted the kingdom and the power although he could not ascend the throne while the brother Dharmaraja was there. Arjuna wanted to kill the bad guys in the enemy army and yet he had attachment towards them and did not wish to kill them. He dropped his weapons and refused to fight. Krishna then gave him spiritual instruction and Arjuna seemed to understand the message. He fought the battle and won. But later on, preoccupied with the affairs of the kingdom, he forgot the teaching of the Bhagavad Gita and requested Krishna to instruct him again. That message is called Uttara Gita. This time Arjuna addressed Krishna as ‘Guru’. So Krishna could not refuse. He taught him again the divine message. But Arjuna could not absorb the teaching because his mind was too distracted with worldly preoccupations.

Do not be like Arjunas of Kali Yuga. Do not waste this rare and precious opportunity of having Swamiji in your midst.

Sri Guru Datta

Sri Swamiji’s message June 10 evening Mysore:

Nama Sankeertana and Nama Japa are very important in this Kali Yuga to develop concentration. Concentration is the key to liberation. For effective prayer concentration is essential. Chanting the name of God and singing the glories of God are two very effective means to achieve concentration.

Japa is of three kinds: Chanting loudly, chanting silently or whispering with lip movement only, and chanting in the mind alone with no outward sign, and not moving the lips or the tongue. You cannot jump to the third stage of silent japa all at once. One MUST begin with loud chanting. Only then, the name of God will get imprinted in the heart and mind. Then the second stage, and then the third. Otherwise, concentration will not develop. The mind should be fixed on the name of God and God’s attributes to develop concentration. Mechanical repetition is not effective.

Nama Sankeertana requires singing aloud. You cannot develop your voice to render the tune and the rhythm of a song properly unless you sing aloud without inhibition. Humming devotional songs and mumbling the words is not useful. Do not worry about what the neighbors will say or the looks they give you, if you are a bad singer.

Chandrasekharaiah was an old devotee, in the early days of the ashram (he is mentioned in the Life History in Prathama Parivaram and other chapters). His enunciation was poor and his singing was bad. But he was never deterred. He would loudly play the Shruthi Box and sing bhajans early in the morning while all other devotees were still fast asleep – everyone sleeping under the same roof. He was their regular morning alarm clock. His chanting of ashtottaram (108 names) was recorded by a German devotee (although it was badly pronounced) and was put on an LP record that was released in 1984 in the Universal Prayer Hall. That shows that true devotion gets recognized by God and encouragement will be given.

Ajji, who worked hard in the kitchen along with some other ladies, would serve the ashram residents only Upma daily, without any variety of items, along with scoldings and bad words. She was never interested in sitting in the prayer hall to listen to bhajans or discourses despite Sri Swamiji’s repeating urging.

The Nandana Project has been launched eleven days ago, with a competition scheduled after May 30, 2013 with fabulous prizes based on a quiz on the features of these daily videos sent for one year, this past Birthday till the next Birthday of Sri Swamiji. They are all available on www.vimeo.com if you search for puttu gam videos and search by date. If you go to www.puttugam.com and subscribe, by entering your email address, you will automatically receive these wonderful spiritual, musical, message sayings in your email every day. When you receive an email asking you to confirm the subscription, you need to confirm. Do not miss the chance to receive and enjoy these daily blessings and prepare from now on to participate in the contest. You may win a site in Mysore or even a car that has been used by Sri Swamiji, as a prize.

Sri Bala Swamiji told a story about a devotee who diligently started out with the intention of doing one hundred abhishekams to Lord Shiva to receive a shower of gold as promised by the Lord in a vision, but lost his patience after the 99th arduous abhishekam. For the 100th abhishekam, he even brought the water in a pot from the river, climbing up all the steps, but, in frustration at not finding any signs of a golden shower, flung the pot rudely at the Lingam. The Shiva Lingam broke, Lord Shiva appeared and explained to the devotee that had he not lost his patience in the last minute he would certainly have been rewarded with a shower of gold. Sri Datta Vijayananda Teertha Swamiji urged all devotees to not get impatient for results, to keep doing their sadhana with faith and patience until the very end.

Sri Guru Datta

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