June 24, 2012

Message of HH Sri Ganapathy Sachchidananda Swamiji to Yoga students of Karnataka and winners of prizes – June 24, 2012 – Mysore

Very nice yoga postures were demonstrated by all. Children should continue throughout their lives their yoga practice and not give up for any reason. Even at age 50 people have started and perfected their postures. Here you hold each position for a minute or two. In ancient times the rishis held them for long periods of time during their penance until their desired deity appeared before them. Each yoga posture is named after the rishi who has taught it to the world. Some of the rishis were householders and some were celibate. There is no restriction that householders should not perform or continue their yoga practice all their lives. Householders can also practice brahmacharya (celibacy or living in union with God). Yoga is for people of all ages and situations in life. It is for men and women.

People sometimes claim that they have discovered new asanas and give them new names. No asana is new just as no word or poetry is new. Everything has already been discovered, thought of, and spoken. The Goddess of Letters has already spoken all the letters and words in all languages. All poetry has already been written. All thoughts have already been thought of. All asanas have already been discovered and performed by our rishis (ancient seers and sages). Nothing is ever new. We are only inspired by the rishis to remember things and think thoughts as they stimulate our intellect. It is wrong to take ownership of anything and say that something has just been discovered. The scientists who now make robots to behave like humans can never replicate a real human being. It is important to remember this.

Sri Guru Datta

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