June 14, 2014

Speech of HH Sri Ganapathy Sachchidananda Swamiji – June 14, 2014 – Memphis , USA

Jaya Guru Datta

Sri Maha Ganapataye Namaha
Sri Saraswatyai Namaha
Sripada Vallabha
Narasimha Saraswati
Sri Guru Dattatreyaya Namaha

As Vinayaka mentioned, about apps, you can listen and learn. Download on iPad, iPhone and android. Devotees have done the work. It is not a commercial product. There is very little profit. It is made accessible to all. Gift cards are available. Please distribute to all friends. Never before has there been such a Kavacha Manjari. Do not miss. Kavacha is a different shield of protection. Bhajans app also is excellent and available in different languages that you can select. You will get addicted to this great habit. Getting addicted to truth and devotion is good. It is great. Like you are addicted to breathing. Good deeds and Sadguru words you are addicted to. Those who make fun or criticize Datta devotees are demons, Rakshasas. They are allergic to Guru, temples, bhajans, and charitable deeds. They are of Tamo Guna. Those who wish to follow virtues have Satva and Rajo Gunas. By their gait, their posture, and interests, one can tell their nature. No need for reading horoscopes or having divine vision. Their way of talking, what they are looking at, what tastes they display, tells the character of the person. By the words he uses, you can tell whether the person is divine, merciless, generous, and so forth.

The moment they criticize your interest in Guru you know that they are demonic. Those who wish for a Guru in their own lives are Satvic.

There should be perfection in all actions. A head blocks the view when you record the video, and the viewers will curse. Be perfect in your work. Good you are getting scolded at the beginning of the tour. During the rest of the tour you be careful. If the mike is good, no one praises. If it fails, everyone complains. That is human nature.

Why do you wear a Datta Vastram always? Some people ask derisively. Avoid such of those who find fault. By the use of their grammar you can tell whether it is a good or a bad person. It is a talent to be able to detect personality traits like that. I cannot give you training in that. You have to learn by experience. Do not announce your findings to others. Just keep the information for your own use. Swamiji uses no divine insight. No mantra or yantra is used to predict human attitude, only psychological study and observation. Your gait, tone of voice, posture, and words, like pulse, reveal your entire personality. Only one grain of rice is checked to see if it is cooked. There is no need to check the entire potful of rice. Only bad thing is that some people lick the food to taste it, before serving it to others, to tell if it is done. We end up eating their saliva. It is a bad habit in the West. Now the Indians imitate that behavior. It is a sin to feed others your germs. It spreads diseases. It is demonic food that you serve then, and it is not fit for humans to consume. All who eat that food will acquire the same traits as the chef. Smelling flowers and then offering is wrong. It is ghost puja. It is unacceptable. You must not smell flowers before offering them to God. It is not puja. There are many such subtle points that you must learn and remember. In ignorance so many mistakes are done. You justify saying that your heart is pure. You sit on buffalo shit and stink. What if your mind is pure? You still stink and are dirty. Both inside and outside you must be clean. Then God comes to you on His own accord. Avadhootas do not eat salt and pepper. They touch no filth. If they do not take a bath also it is no problem. They do not smell bad. They are far from this world and worldliness.

You cannot eat 28 Masala Dosas and 18 pizzas and claim to be an Avadhoota. You will stink. No use. An avadhoota lives incognito in a forest. He is pure till he leaves the body. Do not falsely quote the scriptures. Do not abuse Vedanta.

Kavachas rendered by Swamiji in the audio CD are secret. They contain powerful Beejaksharas, seed syllables which are not generally made public. He has faith in Datta devotees. He has given them to the public. Just playing the Kavacha Manjari CD in the home removes all negative vibrations and influences. Good things happen. I daily play it while taking bath. At least one Kavacha I have to play and listen. It is a good habit. Satvic habit. Many fight and scream while taking bath or they are thinking bad thoughts. Hurrying through a bath you do not get clean. Neighbors feel your odor even if you don’t.

Out if consideration to others be clean. Just as you think that money and status are important, you must realize that cleanliness is also as important. Many homes are kept unclean. So much garbage is kept. Sentimental value trash is kept. Ancestral broken or damaged furniture, mattresses used by several generations and filled with filth, are kept for sentimental reasons. Once I saw a thick mattress in a home that I visited, and it had a horrible smell. This is a true story. Thick layer of dirt covered it. No exaggeration. Four generations of dirt was accumulated in it. Do you keep his dead body because your grandfather was a good man? Why keep ancient clothes and ancient bad thoughts? It stinks. If there is no truth in words, there will be no glow in the eyes or face. Dwelling in the past makes you distracted and absentminded. Listen to or chant God’s names. I do not insist that you only listen to Kavacha Manjari.

Swamiji has been very bold in revealing to the general public these sacred seed syllables.

Sri Guru Datta

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