Sep 4, 2014

Speech of HH Sri Ganapathy Sachchidananda Swamiji on welcome evening – September 4, 2014 – Horn Bad-Meinberg, Germany

Jaya Guru Datta

Sri Ganesaya Namaha
Sri Saraswatyai Namaha
Sripada Vallabha
Narasimha Saraswati
Sri Guru Dattatreyaya Namaha

(Sri Swamiji’s Life History book was released in the German language during the inauguration of the Mouna Seminar.)

This book is very interesting like a novel. It is like the Bhagavatam. It is like your life. Those who read it will find their own history appearing on these pages. Whoever reads this Life History will find their own experiences in this book, at least one or two pages.

All nine human feelings are expressed in this book. It is a wonderful, miraculous Life History. It is not Swamiji’s Life History. It is devotees’ Life History; their experiences. It is very thrilling; very full of action; and very full of silence. So many different teachings will be found in this book. So many experiences of Swamiji are included in this book. If this book is studied thoroughly, it is not necessary to read the Upanishads or the Bhagavad Gita.

Such divine feelings, such human feelings, and such animal feelings are explained in this book. You must read this book for developing a closer relationship with your Swamiji and a closer relationship your Atman/Soul. Truth can be realized through the study of this Life History. You will experience a change in yourself. Some energizing change will take place. Some real human change will occur through the study of this book.

Bangalore Guru Prasad has done the printing.

Now already the silence lessons have started through the enactment by birds. It was a wonderful dance with wonderful communication through birds. Now you understand silence; how to maintain silence; how to maintain energy through silence. It was a wonderful Birds Dance with all kinds of birds.

A bird is flying with wings. Humans are flying without wings. With Buddhi/intellect a human being is flying. Without wings, people are not in silence. That is the difference between a human being and a bird. Without wings human beings are talking too much. Human beings are wasting energy in talking and thinking some bad thoughts, garbage thoughts, and confusion thoughts.

Human beings journey to death. Birds journey to light. They fly towards light. The excessive talking of human beings leads them to death. That is why Swamiji has chosen this Mouna Dhyana Yoga. Silence Dhyana Yoga.
You must practice Mouna Dhyana Yoga. Then you get good energy. Control the mind and the sense organs with Mouna, some normal breathing yoga, and some small exercises to the Indriyas/sense organs; then you will obtain more Jnana.
So I think that this is only an experience; not speaking. Speaking is not good. But for communication a little bit of speech is sometimes necessary. But speaking is less important.

Meaningful talking is good. Otherwise it is wasting energy. Talking only a little bit of saves energy. Too much talking wastes energy. If you talk with meaning, energy is retained. Almost 90% of the time people waste energy in meaningless talk.

With valuable talk 90% of the energy is retained. Daily you should practice 1-2 hours of silence.

When you sleep, it is not Mouna. The body is working.
But deliberately you can control speech. Mouna gives you more energy. Mouna will lead to dhyana, yoga, and light, like a bird.

Some birds are talking all the time. But some birds, the more energy type birds, colorful birds, are not talking so much.

There is a close connection between Mouna and bird. Today, the inauguration took place with birds. It was not accidental; it was deliberate to inaugurate the program with birds. I am very happy. We are also birds.

We are all very lucky to have such a practice of Mouna with Swamiji for two days. After one a half days, a little bit of exercise and yoga will be practiced. Small exercises. That is our main reason this year to have these Yoga Mouna classes. We will start tomorrow with proper preparation. How to prepare is very important for the students of this Mouna course.

A few instructions and some powerful quotes will be given to you now by Prasad.

Silence quotes:
1) In silence there are no quarrels.
2) Silence lies beyond the realm of judgment.
3) Silence is peace.
4) True silence occurs when the mind is still.
5) In silence there are no questions.
6) Creativity begins with silence.
7) The source of innovation is silence.
8) When the leaves stop rustling, the trees enjoy silence.
9) It is in silence that a fruit ripen to sweetness.
10) A flower gathers its colors in absolute silence.
11) True friends communicate best in silence.
12) Listening to pure silence is bliss.
13) To a screaming mind, silence is unbearable.
14) Silence teaches many things.
15) Silence can be peaceful, uncomforatble or ominous.
16) When thouhts are unclear, silence clears them.
17) A spelle of silence brings clarity to situations.
18) Beautiful snowflakes fall so silently.
19) When silence is comfortable, there is peace in the air.
20) Compassion can be shown in perfect silence.
21) The silence of stubbornness is not pleasing.
22) When the mind is silent, the soul gets refreshed.
23) In deep sleep there is silence.
24) Silence speaks more eloquently than words.
25) There is music in silence.
26) Restless minds are frightened by silence.
27) Silence weaves lovely, soothing patterns.
28) Total silence turns the mind off.
29) In silence not even a leaf moves.
30) Words sometimes hinder communication.
31) The mighty and glorious Sun rises in deep silence.
32) The moon beams gently descend in silence.
33) The stars twinkle in absolute silence.
34) Silence empowers.
35) Word create a storm. Silence makes it calm.
36) Silence is sacred.
37) No communication. No conflict.
38) Beyond the realm of judgement lies silence.
39) In peace there is silence.
40) When the mind is still, it is true silence.
41) A questioning mind is not silent.
42) Silence inspires innovation.

Sri Guru Datta

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