April 13, 2024

Speech of HH Sri Ganapathy Sachchidananda Swamiji during Divya Nama Sankeertana – Ugadi & Rama Navami festivities – April 13, 2024 – Dundigal Ashrama, Hyderabad

HH spoke about Prakruthi Products where products are prepared with cow’s byproducts per Swamiji’s guidance. Swamiji wants everyone to pick up those products; all those funds go toward Shashvata Seva. Lip balm, pain balm, chemical-free soap and other products are available. Unemployed young girls in the Ashrama are managing this product/shop.

Bhajan ID 8206: animiṣakaraṇē svanimiṣaharaṇē

Dharmaraja asked Bheeshma: The next Yuga is Kaliyuga. People will face a lot of difficulties and grief every step of the way. What should people do to transcend them? Kaliyuga is around the corner – just 8-10 months way. Kaliyuga’s influence is felt about a year before it starts. We are already feeling it. Please protect me, O Grandsire! I need to take care of the well-being of people. Now, Krishna is here. Some are reckless because Krishna is there and they are confident. Already, conflicts have started among Krishna’s relatives due to greed for Kingdom; the conflicts are all simmering underneath. Kurukshetra battle is raging and you are ready to reach the divine abode when Uttarayana sets in. I am worried, Kali seems to have entered already. According to astrology, there should still be 5 years and 30 days left, but it doesn’t appear so.

What should people do to escape these difficulties? How should they conduct themselves?

Bheeshma said: Everyone should follow the Shastras. Shastras are our Constitution. If we follow them we will not have difficulties. Follow the rules and have mental restraint. Never deceive another.
Everyone must set their own rules, system, and way of work, and must act accordingly. No matter what, rules must never be violated despite the gravest difficulties.
Sense pleasures must be within limits.
When another yells at us or beats us, do not retaliate immediately. Learn to be patient. Develop the habit to consult elders.
Have it in your nature to be charitable Do not beg or ask others for things. We must give without asking, based on others’ needs. When others are in trouble, help them at least a little. Give them relief and make them happy.
Never blame others. If anyone falls from grace, don’t mock them.
Always worship God and be immersed in His stories, and His praise.
Respect elders. Never sleep during the day. It is not good to have dreams during the day.
(Bheeshma, lying on the bed of arrows, awaiting death, was preaching to Dharmaraja.)
Sin not with mind, speech, or actions. Physical sins can be forgiven, but mental sins cannot.
Do not torture any living being.
Only people who abide by these will transcend the most impossible adversity.
Observe householder duties with rules.
Give up the fear of death. We must welcome death.
We should wish for victory in all tasks.
Never give up truth even if we have to lay down our life for it. One must live as an example to others.
We should do good deeds and speak good works. Spend money on noble deeds and endeavors, without showing any stinginess. If you spend generously on noble deeds, money will come on its own.
Students must study well. Grandfather Bheeshma is foreboding today’s situations. Students these days get into fights and other issues. Bheeshma was advising students back then in Mahabharata and Bhagavatam that they should focus on studies. Nowadays, students neglect studies and get into politics and fights. Students should not be concerned with other affairs.
Give up Tamo Guna fully and focus only on Sattva Guna.
The world must be seen as being at par with the Atman. Think of this Ashrama, this temple, this Peetham as Atma. When you see your Guru, see the Guru as your Atman. This will not happen overnight, you must practice it diligently. Know that Atman is teaching you and giving you lessons in the form of Guru. Atman is the God within, He is appearing to us as Guru.
Give up sense pleasures.
Do not envy other’s wealth.
This subject was preached by Bheeshma to Dharmaraja.

Everyone must do Namaskara to Devatas. It is enough if you do Namaskara looking at the sky 3 times a day during the transition periods – when you wake up in the morning, between 12 noon and 1pm, and evening 6-7pm.
Respect all Faiths.
Be peaceful.
Do not wish for recognition and title from others. No one must be disappointed that they did not get national awards like Padmashri, or special recognition and title yet. Those who wish to serve the society should not wish for recognition.
Respect elders.
Do not be egoistic about your high qualification.
Keep your temper in control. Calm down those who are angry. Do not take out your anger on other beings. Do not show your wrath on dogs and poultry. Do not despise them. Do not eat or drink forbidden food. Eat only to survive in this journey of life.
One must use kāma only for progeny, no more. Have 2, 4, or even 6 children. Once children are born, give up kāma.
These are all wonderful Shlokas from Mahabharata.
God is the Creator and Destroyer of all worlds. He is known as Narayana. Those who are filled with devotion for Him will transcend the severest of difficulties. If they just chant “Hare Krishna!” once in a while, that is enough. The Lord pervades all, removes everyone’s sins and uplifts all. Therefore, surrender to Him. Bear no doubt. Surrender all your actions to Him, surrender all your Yajnas to Him. He is the refuge for all pious people. So, keep revering Him. All Devatas keep worshiping Him. So, those who worship Him will transcend adversity.

This is the set of verses in the subject called “durgāti taraNam” (transcending difficulties). The fruit is described thus: Those who study this, listen, or preach to others, will transcend the most severe difficulties. When man observes all this, he will have no difficulty at all. Man will be happy and peaceful. Dangers, deceit, and cheating will be removed and the society will be happy. May we have good conduct.

May Lord Datta bless you.

This is one of the many episodes, available in the Mahabharata. Swamiji has given you the Sampoorna Mahabharata discourse. Keep listening to Mahabharata, it is available on YouTube.

We will sing the praises of such a benevolent Lord Govinda!

Bhajan ID 950: jaya jaya jaya jaya raghurāma

In Mahabharata, there are many wonderful episodes taught by Grandsire Bheeshma. You can all study His episodes, and listen again to the discourses posted to YouTube. Keep studying them from time to time so you can remember them and integrate them into your nature.

The seven Chakras are like the seven steps we climb and have Darshana of Narayana – the Lord of the Seven Hills (in Tirupati). Spiritual meaning of having Darshan of the Lord of Seven Hills is to climb the seven steps in the body.

Bhajan ID 8428: padmāvatīramaṇa śrīvēṅkaṭēśā

Kayena vācā…

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