April 8, 2024

Speeches of HH Sri Ganapathy Sachchidananda Swamiji – Ugadi & Rama Navami festivities – April 8, 2024 – Dundigal Ashrama, Hyderabad

Message for Vyasa Peetham TV channel

Today, you are watching a channel called Vyasa Peettam. Normally, we worship the five gross elements such as, water, fire, tree, etc. God is everywhere, but we should not give into superstition, we should turn that towards Jnana. We should explore who we are, where we came from, etc. and with that knowledge, when we worship the five elements and study the Vedas, Upanishads and offer Puja and do Yoga, etc., then we get a greater fruit.

Everyone has Bhakti, but if we offer what we do with Jnana, we get Jnana Siddhi (perfection in Jnana), that’s when we attain Parama Gati (felicitous state).

If a foreigner asks you why you are worshiping Nagendra, we are not able to answer. You cannot answer why you are offering Puja to a Banyan tree for example. You cannot answer why we worship a river. When we understand the reasons why, and then do Puja, that is unbeatable. This channel has started with the intent to reveal such knowledge.

In Hindu Dharma, we are taught that we should stick with the Dharma we are born into. We should not change Dharmas no matter what. Religious conversion is very wrong. We should live and die in the Dharma we are born into.

Many Puranas have been published as short stories, many organizations are propagating very well too. Bhaktimala has also been propagating such stories in the last nearly 50 years.

You all sing Bhajans, you chant the Gita; you will find a greater experience when you learn the meaning as you sing or chant. That is the purpose of this channel, say the founders.

We just released a big pancāngam (almanac). If you study this well, you won’t need to go to an astrologer. I told them, the book should be made in a way that I (as an aged person) too can read it. They complied and published this in big print.

As was just announced, we are going to start Nitya Puja. We like all Devatas. So, you can participate in Nitya Puja for all Devatas here.

There should never be shortage for Dhoopa (incense), Deepa (lamp) and Naivedya. The priests should be well taken care of. If they are well, they’ll bless us heartily. All of you participate in the Nitya Puja. Guru Nilayam is also part of the temples here. You can stagger your Nitya Puja participation.

As stated yesterday, the sun god absorbs our dirty water, but sends us clean water as rain. The sun is burning intensely. If we study this book (pancāngam), we’ll know why it’s so hot this summer. It’ll also talk about a cure for this heat.

Speech during Divya Nama Sankeertana

We can never help enough. Fulfilling your pledge for an Ashrama doesn’t mean your responsibility is over, we must do more if we can. This place is a treasure for us, and our children and grand children. We need to protect Dharma and Sanatana Dharma.

It is good for us if we all cooperate and join hands. Don’t dust off and walk away thinking your bit is done. Don’t we eat lunch and dinner after we eat breakfast? We eat everyday just as we should cooperate and support everyday.

When this place gets built nicely soon, Swamiji will be happy to keep coming back. We lost 4 years already. That’s like losing 40 years with Swamiji. Every minute, every moment and every breath is precious.

We are breathing the same air that Swamiji is breathing. You must understand this Guru Tattva and protect your breath. With this, protect Dharma.

We are doing programs that will keep us strong and keep Dharma strong for 1000s of years, that is how Swamiji plans.
All of us must learn Bhajans. These are not only repetitions of names, these are great Tattva Bhajans. Examine the life of Mahatmas, they composed lakhs of songs, they preached Atma Bodha through songs, they taught the way of life, the path to the Nation’s progress, the way to praise the Lord and grow spiritually, etc., through music.

There are no enlightened souls of the past that did not preach without music. They sang Bhajans in the morning and would set out in the street singing divine names whether the public listened to those songs or not. They would not even write those compositions. The disciples would walk behind the master and write them down as the master sang.

Nowadays, we have recorders everywhere. Make use of such devices and learn the Bhajans. Each Keerthana seems to apply to us, it seems to be written just for us. It teaches us the way of life. It teaches us how to be content, and how to be Dharmic, how to support and help each other, how to be compassionate to other beings, how to win the grace of God, etc.
We should help each other in all ways possible. All this is nicely explained in the compositions in plenty.

The enlightened musical saints of yore only praised God, and did not, despite torture, praise the mortal kings. The saints suffered a lot. They lived in dire poverty and starved for food. Yet they praised God and continued preaching to people. Swamiji’s compositions are like that – some praise God, some teach us lessons we need, some teach our children, some teach us how to serve the country…they are filled with all 9 emotions.

Just as we learn Bhagavad Gita, Guru Gita, etc., we should learn the Bhajans. Everyone get the Bhajanmala App.
People carry multiple phones these days…one to call the husband, one to call the lover, one number for the person who lent us money that we never answer.

You must download the Bhajanmala App on your phones. Instead, you watch YouTube and see rotten dirty stuff and corrupt your minds. So, only see good, only download the good stuff, only hear good things.

SGS Posts is so good, it has really good messages. This App is free.

The new Bhajans are very nice. Of course, the Bhajans are ever new and one Bhajan seems more beautiful than another.
New Bhajan guṇḍelō dīpamai velugu rāmā: https://www.bhajanmala.com/nodes/8468

Pujya Swamiji composed this new Bhajan during the recent visit to Ayodhya.

Bhajan ID 982. Hanumaa Naa Mora Vinumaa.

Arati Bhajan ID 1124.

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