Dec 26, 2024

Speech of HH Sri Ganapathy Sachchidananda Swamiji – Divya Nama Sankeertana – Kurukshetra, Haryana
– December 26, 2024

Do not applaud before you hear the full matter. You applaud as soon as you hear some words and the rest of the words get drowned in your applause. You applaud every second.

This program seems to be just for Swamiji, this was not part of the schedule. But we will do Divya Nama Sankeertana. The Lord adores Divya Nama Sankeertana in Kaliyuga. After all the worship rituals are done, it is tradition to sing praises of the Lord. We did Yajna in the last few days. At the conclusion, it is very good to do Divya Nama Sankeertana. Let there be peace from Bhagavad Gita, let it be propagated in all directions. It is a manual for humanity, how they should act, how they should be devoted, etc. It teaches discipline. Every human should learn the Bhagavad Gita.

The Lord taught the Gita to all of us through Arjuna. Over 6000 years ago, this miracle took place. It was His last Poorna Avatara (complete incarnation). So, we remember again and again this Gita and also teach our children. We are all partaking in this Yajna due to our merit/punya. So, we are like a small wooden stick (samit) that is offered in the fire of Yajna.

Many have supported this event; some have done it privately not wanting even their family members to know of it. Some children donated without their parents learning of it. People donated without family members learning of it. Some also donated their life savings. May everyone that donated be blessed – whether you donated openly, privately, or without even being part of the program. May you all earn the grace of Sri Krishna.

Learn not to applaud before the sentence is complete.

Bhajan ID: 1457

Sri Krishna’s life story is most wonderful. He undertook so much hardship for our sake right from birth. He taught us that taking on a body is inevitably suffering. He took on this incarnation for us and granted bliss to countless beings. His incarnation is most wonderful.

Why should He take so many incarnations, when He is already reveling in the abode of bliss? His very nature is bliss. He is unchanging and formless. Why did He have to take a form? Because we are all karma jeevis with a form. For our welfare, the Lord, who is in Vaikuntha, in the abode of bliss, took many forms.

Chanting the name “Krishna!” removes all difficulties. It opens the doors to liberation. That is why chant the name of Krishna every moment, while sitting, standing, etc.

The Lord suffered with the indriyas and with it also left His mortal coil. How painful must it have been when the hunter shot the arrow at His foot! When life leaves the body, it is a lot of suffering.

The Lord who is always reveling in bliss, the one without a second, came in that form as Krishna into this world. He was called uncle, brother-in-law, friend, lover, son, cousin, by various people. Why did He have to go through such karma. He came as a relative to so many.

The Lord came to destroy all the sins within us. He took birth with a body, but fell right into hardship with His birth. He was born in one place, and grew up elsewhere. His naming ceremony was done stealthily. Did the Lord have to go through all this? There were even times when there was no food, He survived on milk.

He uplifted all the cowherds and maidens. He uplifted not crores of beings, but countless beings even as a child.
To unite some devotees into His heart, He increased their Tamo guna (like He did for Kamsa) and slew them and merged them into Himself.

Bhajan ID: 880

Bhajan ID: 928

Before going to bed, in the villages of Maharashtra, they always sing Vittala bhajans. They jump in joy while singing. They jump as much as needed, it’s good for health, also good for the indriyas, the body and it also helps get sound sleep.

Bhajan ID 2099

vedānuddharate jagannivahate bhūgolamudbibhrate daityāṃ dārayate baliṃ chalayate kṣatrakṣayaṃ kurvate | paulastyaṃ jayate halaṃ kalayate kāruṇyamātanvate mlecchān mūrcchayate daśākṛtikṛte kṛṣṇāya tubhyaṃ namaḥ ||

Bhajan ID 600

Bhajan ID 1185

Bhajan ID 1005

Those who buy the pen drive with the English Bhagavad Gita meanings, do not copy and share with others. (Those who do not have the pen drive should not ask others to copy it for them. Buy it instead).

I worked very hard to record the English Bhagavad Gita for you. I recorded day and night with determination for you. I did for you and your children.

It is for the children of those who are doing the Bhagavad Gita today. Mani Shankar and team worked very hard to do this. They did it out of love for Swamiji. They did it continuously without obstacles and breaks.

Swamiji blesses the family that did the main sponsorship for this Gita event.

Your Swamiji is Chandika Devi. Very stubborn and resolute. I will do it if I feel like it, I will not do it if I do not feel like it. When asked for a Bhajans session, I will not do it if my throat is not cooperating. But if it’s cooperating or not, I will do it when I feel like it. I did it today because I felt like it.

Bhajan ID 945

Bhajan ID 874

Our parrot, Varam, sings this song every day. When Swamiji swims, it is quiet for the first 30 minutes and then starts singing this bhajan. After that, it keeps asking if I am done, “ayita?” If I don’t reply, it cries “Apppaaajiiii”!
It’s related from some past life, it’s not an ordinary bird. I miss it physically…it is with Me (in My heart).

Bhajan ID 1030

Koti surya … Harati.


Datta Prabhu blesses not to CUT the cake (a huge birthday cake was made as an offering on the stage) but put some flowers to it and do Deepa Aradhana to it, and advises all to do the same and not CUT anything cake for birthdays.

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