July 12, 2024

Speech of HH Sri Ganapathy Sachchidananda Swamiji – Divya Nama Sankeertana – July 12, 2024 – Hanuman Datta Yoga Center, Houston, TX, USA

(There were transmission issues, so below is the summary of what came through on Facebook Live.)

Sundareshwara cooled the anger of Mother Goddess. Sri Sankara is the incarnation of that Sundareshwara who is Lord Shiva. Today I was very happy hearing a scholar speak on YouTube. Mother Goddess would take on a fierce form and she would eat beings. This happened even during the time of Sri Sankara Bhagavadpada. To pacify Mother and remove Her ferocity, Sri Sankara prayed to Mother.

Mother may eat the Sanyasis too when comes out in a fierce (ghora) form, he thought. That night, Mother emerged from Her Moorti. Sri Sankara prostrated to Her. Mother was very fierce and demanded to know who he was. Sri Sankara said She already knew who he was and why he was there. A debate ensued between them. I will tell you later what that debate was.

She asked him what he wanted. He prayed that She become peaceful (not fierce – aghora). With great love, he said he wanted to play the game of dice with Mother. The one who lost had to do the winner’s bidding. So, they drew the lines in the form of a square. 4 squares, 3 of another shape and a Bindu in the center. Sri Sankara asks Mother to sit on the Bindu. Mother does so. He sits on the floor while Mother is in the Bindu.

Mother challenged him to throw the die showing 5, and he did, and it was a 5. The Mother appeared to be surrounded by a 5 petal lotus. The numbers that were called were the numbers of lotus petals emerging around Her. He was winning every time. These are the petals of Sri Chakra that were forming. Sri Sankara was playing according to this numbering. Mother was playing too. Swamiji even wrote Bhajans on this. Swamiji wrote Bhajans on each Avarana. Sri Sankara anted to keep Mother there until dawn. When morning broke, Mother’s form turned peaceful. Mother declared him the winner. He said: Mother, Your grace won, You may return to Your abode. Mother was about to get up, when Her golden sari was stuck in the numerous petals. She could not get up. Various petals and various angles were around Her. She was stuck. Mother asked him what boon he wanted. He prayed that She always be in a peaceful form from then on. Mother then asked him to find a way for Her to go back inside.

One day I will describe Mother’s Tattva to you. You saw that Tattva in Sri Chakra Archana.

Bhajan ID 529
Bhajan ID 1083
Bhajan ID 973
Bhajan ID 1271

In the past, everyone, in every household would sing Keertan of God before they went to bed. People used to busy in those days too, children would also study in those days, but they always made time for Sankeertana. When we do sankeertan, we can sleep well. If not, there will be demons around us. These are the bad thoughts – Kama, Krodha, fickleness, etc. The wife experiments on her husband when she cooks new dishes she sees on YouTube. Every day, there is some culinary experiment.

Sri Rama’s name is so tasty. Is it as tasty as pizza? It is tastier than everything else!

Bhajan ID 2184

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