July 2, 2024

Speech of HH Sri Ganapathy Sachchidananda Swamiji during Swagata Sabha – July 2, 2024 – Karya Siddhi Hanuman Temple, Frisco, TX, USA

Practice carpooling to the temple. This place should not be like a shopping mall. We should support good causes. Alexander opened his fists, when dying, to show that he was taking nothing with him. We take nothing with us. We should be happy with what we have. We have a Guru, we should be very happy.

We released the Rama Smarana audio albums. I want to release 2 more on Mother, one on Hanuman. Swamiji wrote a Bhajan, each on the Bhagavad Gita chapters. Everyone should buy the pen drive album of Rama Smarana. Or, you can download from the music platforms.

Today is Ekadasi. So, some people did not eat anything…after their meal! Ekadasi means being near God. Upavasa (fasting) means being near God (Upa+Vasa). Jagarana is not just keeping night vigil, it is about keeping the senses vigilant. We should not always desire something and ask for boons. Just pray that your devotion never wavers, and you accept whatever God gives you. Practice praying to God even during tough times. We praise God during good times and blame Him during bad times. Our devotion should be steady like the flow of oil, not like the flow of water which splatters.

We should first gain spiritual knowledge. What should I do to get closer to You, God? What should I do to remove my fickleness? Think about this. This body is made of the five gross elements. The five fingers represent the five elements – Agni, Vayu, Akasha, Prithvi and Jala. In Kriya Yoga practice, we use Mudras with these fingers to address the issue with each element in the body. Kriya Yoga is very important. Mudra is not easy. If you learn the Mudras, you will understand. You must hold the Mudra and meditate.

This body contains the entire universe and all the worlds between Mooladhara and the Sahasrara. The seas, the eight sacred rivers, mountains, oceans are all in the body. This body is such. Why then do we get ailments? When there is imbalance in the five elements. That is why, every day, we should meditate for at least 40 minutes. We should maintain silence. Mauna is not just silence of speech, but silence within, silence of thoughts and mind.

First, practice Mauna physically, and then the internal Mauna will slowly develop. We cannot jump directly to inner silence. Slowly practice external silence and let that sink in. Mauna has great power. But those in the spiritual path who talk a lot (teachers and gurus) are born with inherent energy, they will have no loss of energy. But we should save our energy.

Just as we conserve our wealth and assets, we must build our internal energy. Cut out the unnecessary things to conserve this energy. That is why God gave us Nada so we can continue listening and gain that internal energy.

Swamiji’s presence here is a great miracle. So many people memorized the Gita. So many devotees and non-devotees did it. I want to build spiritual relationships with all of them. Mother Goddess gave me some orders, so I am here. Dengue fever is also my devotee. There are so many doctors sitting here. They know the suffering that comes with Dengue fever. Swamiji came here only with Atma Shakti, not physical Shakti.

Swamiji performed rituals outside instead of in Nada Mantapa during Brahmotsavas. So, there were lots of mosquitoes at that time. I still have a fever, but I do not care. Doctors dissuaded me from coming here. But I wanted to go to Dallas. I insisted. This is the miracle of Karya Siddhi Hanuman Temple.

Be with me these 3-4 days and be happy. Do not worry about my Dengue fever. When I am taking on the ailments of other people that goes away in 3-4 days. But Dengue is my own. I had pain, fever, headache, my tongue had no taste. It is Hanuman’s grace, I am here. I bless you once again. So many prayed in India. They offered Poornaphala, they tied Tora, they chanted Vishnu and Lalita Sahasranamas. So many prayed for Swamiji. That is why I am here. I bless you specially. Participate in all the programs so the temple does not have difficulties. We are not here just to sit and eat.

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