July 6, 2024

Speech of HH Sri Ganapathy Sachchidananda Swamiji after Abhisheka for Karya Siddhi Hanuman – July 6, 2024 – Karya Siddhi Hanuman Temple, Frisco, TX, USA

May Lord Hanuman protect us all. We commit many sins, the Lord gives us punishments appropriate to those – big and small. So, we should learn to worship the Lord without committing sins. Keep your mind and intellect alert. We should not be lazy. We drive on the roads with overconfidence that Swamiji is there to save us. That attitude is so wrong. Our karma takes over…Swamiji cannot protect you all the time. You cannot place your hands on fire and say Swamiji will protect you. In America, we cannot get on without driving a car. Everything is far away. In other countries, we can use smaller vehicles or two-wheelers or trains, but America does not have that. America is a big country, and we sometimes get overconfident driving on thr roads. We drive up to 20 hours by road because it is cheaper and it gives flexibility, but you must be careful and also take care of your hunger and sleep needs before driving. Driving such long distances continuously without proper breaks and rests is not recommended. If you avoid it, you can serve longer and be more relaxed. I heard news today about someone driving long distance negligently while speaking on the phone, meeting with an accident. Driving without much sleep or food lowers your oxygen. The whole family suffers. It takes a very long time to recover. Some drive at a very old age even though they have no energy, just boasting that they can do it. That is very, very wrong. Let someone else drive. Get an Uber ride if needed. There is no rule that states that we should drive on our own.

I was happy doing Hanuman Abhishekam, but am very sad about the news I heard after. Mistakes happen, so you must be careful. Be careful when hungry or sleepy, while reversing the vehicle, etc. Many have AppJi, you must inform Appaji you are traveling to see Appaji. This mistake (of not informing Appaji) happened today. You can post a message in AppJi, saying you are coming for Appaji’s Darshan. AppJi’s message is like offering a flower at Appaji’s feet. You will be supporting a good project and you will be in touch with Appaji if you get AppJi membership. Also, our name will be on Swamiji’s phone, otherwise, I will have to search for your name and may or may not find it. I will have to ask someone how to spell your name. It is wrong to create work for Swamiji. I will have to ask Prasad for their names. They may have been sitting with Me the previous day, or they may have spoken to Me before, but I must have their name handy on AppJi, then I can immediately communicate on AppJi.

We must make use of this opportunity and be close to Swamiji. We should make use of it and not throw it away. Otherwise, I have to search for their names and photos. I often will not be able to find it. Devotees made a very good donation, but their messages or photo are not in AppJi. I feel very bad for the family that was involved in the accident. They were coming in a large group. I hope they get better soon.

It is not nice to put the burden on Swamiji or God. So, be very careful when driving. You are all members of my family. Please, please be careful. I suffer when something happens to you. You adjust and settle down, it is karma, there is no choice. You will remember occasionally but you generally forget. But your Guru remembers every day. You must take responsibility.

This body and mind belongs to our Guru. We should take care of it very carefully, sincerely and Dharmically. Then, your Guru, who is Dharmic, will be happy. I feel very bad. You do not have to investigate who got into the accident. Just pray that they get better. After this speech, do not make inquiries about the accident. If you do, that sin will come to Me.

You drive carefully, that is all. You will not be able to sleep peacefully if you find out. You cannot do much, just pray to Swamiji. Pray that Swamiji’s mind be peaceful. Be careful near gas stoves and fire. Women wear nylon saris and light a lot of oil lamps. I did not ask you to play around oil lamps or gas stoves. Did I ask you not to lock your house? Is burglary in your house Swamiji’s fault? Do not put the burden on Swamiji for your car getting stolen or your clothes getting stolen. Did I ask you to give in to kama and krodha? Did I ask you to overeat the fried rice? I asked you to eat moderately.

We have taken a human birth. You think you are very intelligent. Sure, you are, I am happy. When something unexpected happens, you must not blame God. That is wrong. There is only so high a person underneath can push you up. So, please be very careful driving. Even though there are good traffic rules here, karma can affect us. If you are sleepy, stop driving and take a nap. If you are hungry, eat. Do not eat or talk on the phone while driving. You never know what will happen.

There may be drunk drivers speeding on the road. Our bad karma may attract those cars towards us.
I am telling you again and again. You are all my children. I am requesting you to be careful. I want you. I want you to be well.

Appaji recommends wearing cotton saris and not nylon ones. Nylon saris catch fire fast. Be careful, Swamiji advises.

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