July 8, 2024

Speech of HH Sri Ganapathy Sachchidananda Swamiji – Sri Chakra Puja – Dolotsava – July 8, 2024 – Karya Siddhi Hanuman Temple, Frisco, TX, USA

Krishnam Vande Jagathgurum!
Karya Siddhi Hanumanu ki Jai!
Sri Venkateshaya Namaha!

You may wonder why I am remembering Venkatramana Swamy. I always do. That is why we have the Utsava Moortis here. The Lord is coming to mind repeatedly, lately. So, we plan to have a small Venkataramana shrine here. It should not be in the same level as Hanuman shrine, so we will build it in front of the Yaga Shala. The moorti will be at or under 5 feet tall. There is spiritual warehouse in that area, so we will extend the area in front and build a room upstairs for that. warehouse We will have the Sthapati do this work.

That is our Sankalpa. Many have been asking for Venkataramana shrine here. We also plan to have a small pond here in this Kshetra. We do not know when the pond will come about, but we want the shrine soon. He is the Lord not only for all of us, but is also Guru to Hanuman. Where Venkataramana Swamy is there, Hanuman has to be there. Hanuman is bringing His Lord here now.

Find out the details about this project and support it. We will also extend the temple out further toward Rajagopuram; so, more people can fit in the temple. Bala Datta program was very nice. Many are supporting the Bala Datta classes. We also need to get permanent classrooms for Bala Datta classes. The trailer we now have will serve for 2-3 years. We also want to build an auditorium.

If we build an auditorium here, I will stay here for one year. (Audience applauds). Those who applauded have implicitly committed to supporting the project! The auditorium is very good. It will be shaped like a Veena. It is a big program. That is why we acquired 20 acres for this project. Now, everyone must make a Sankalpa and come together. Many grains of rice have to come together for a meal. It takes two hands to clap. So, from today, everyone put $1 or more in their personal piggy bank every day for this project. Support Venkataramana Swamy temple as well as the auditorium. Forget the pizza money or the movie money for the time being and put it in the hundi.

Forego a new sari purchase for now and put the amount in the hundi. We discard so many things in our house. Do we use everything in the house? We are just greedy. We buy and keep things in our house and then do not even use them. Finally, the items go to a garage sale. People will buy it for a mere $10. Instead, forget the things that tempt you and contribute to the auditorium and allied projects. Do not buy unnecessary stuff. Swamiji’s presence here is a miracle. Just have Darshana, fill your eyes and heart with the Darshana.

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