June 27, 2024

Speech of HH Sri Ganapathy Sachchidananda Swamiji – Welcome Function in the evening – June 27, 2024 – Hanuman Hindu Temple, London, UK

Jaya Guru Datta.

āpadāmapahartāraṃ dātāraṃ sarvasampadām ।
lōkābhirāmaṃ śrīrāmaṃ bhūyōbhūyō namāmyaham ॥
artānāṃ ārti haṃtāraṃ bhītānām bhīthi nāśanam
dviṣatām kāladaṃḍam taṃ rāmachandram namāmyaham
namaḥ kōdaṇḍahastāya sandhīkṛtaśarāya caa ।
daṇḍitākhiladaityāya rāmāyāpannivāriṇē ॥
rāmāya rāmabhadrāya rāmacandrāya vedhase |
raghunāthāya nāthāya sītāyāḥ pataye namaḥ ||

‘Rama’ is a very powerful mantra. When you open your mouth and chant Ra, the sins flee. And when you close your mouth chanting Ma, they will not come back in. Rama also means happiness. Rama mantra grants happiness. If you have any depression, disappointment or illness in your body, or are upset, chant Rama mantra. Rama is an incarnation who is verily God.

He took a human form and lived for 10,000 years and gave goodness to this world, not just to India. Ramayana is the most important scripture. It gives strength and jnana and grants a good life. Because we took a human form, and very much like kama (desire/lust), krodha (anger), lobha (greed), moha (attachment)…These are all human qualities. We have so many desires, we want this and that all the time. We always thirst for something. We are greedy. Stop the greed. Chant Rama mantra and the greed will certainly stop. The mantra bestows good qualities. While standing, sitting, talking, eating, drinking chant Rama’s name.

Chant Rama mantra into the water and and drink it. You can do the same with coffee and tea too. Chant 14 times or 3 times and then drink. Drink slowly. There’s no benefit when you drink water fast. Keep the water in your mouth for two seconds and slowly swallow. Rama mantra is very powerful, so the water becomes powerful. Water heals all kinds of diseases in your body and mind. Prana Vayu, our breath, is the first medicine. Water is our second medicine. These are part of the 5 gross elements without which we cannot live. Respect water, you can even meditate with water. You can also make your breath slow and gentle. This gives good strength to the body and mind.

You may not fully understand the Puranas the first time, but keep studying and listening repeatedly. Do not waste time. There are always new things that distract us. Some waste time on their phones. They are constantly looking at their phone, at WhatsApp and other apps. Time waste. Time in life is very short.

You can use this time in your studies and for your career. Use time for good things. Do not waste time with WhatsApp and chats. Do not befriend strangers on social media. Do not invest in businesses you do not fully understand and lose your money and your mind. Read books as much as possible. You can download many good books on the Internet. Choose good books. Read at least 1-2 pages a day. You’ll see an improvement in your memory, energy and physical strength.

Time is always running. It never stops. Days are rolling. We are losing time. We are losing longevity. We are running toward death. We are not permanent. This is an illusion, this is maya. We must understand and face this maya.

Develop good friendships, do Guru seva. have strong devotion and faith. Do not lose faith. Faith is very important. With faith, you will automatically understand the lessons Sadguru gives you. Jnana is not a book, they are blessings from the Guru. With strong belief in Sadguru, that means in Dattatreya, we will get Jnana. Observe silence, do meditation daily. Be as satisfied as possible. Do not keep crying. Do not be depressed.

When I had Dengue fever too, I was very happy. My body was in pain, but I was laughing because that is not permanent. It is Datta’s grace that I am sitting here in London now. My devotee here also came back again. He wanted to go away two years ago, but I asked him to come. That is also a miracle.

Each family sitting here has had some experience with Swamiji, I know. We cannot explain that in words. Bring up children well. Inculcate in them the love for God. If we do not show it in our actions, they will not do it. If we sit and watch TV for long hours, they will also do the same. You will struggle later on. That is why in America, they teach kids about Tataji. The children love their Tataji immensely. Kids there are all over Tataji when Swamiji visits. Your kids are not because you did not train them. Train your children well. You are lazy. If you have no devotion, how will children get devotion?

We should teach our future generations to have devotion for Swamiji. The old people in Surat have left for Vaikuntha, but did not train their children to have devotion. That is why their children do not come to the temple. This is a lesson for me in my life. Be careful. Please train your children well…train them gradually. When you feed them, you must tell them – this is Tataji’s morsel, we would not have this if not for Tataji.

I was not going to be here anymore, I was going to leave. But I am here.

Animals also give birth. If you do not give good values to your children, what use is it? You did Bhagavad Gita briefly just for Swamiji’s sake and then nothing after. You must take Swamiji’s orders to heart. Once the inspiration is born in the heart, it will flow all over. Our life must have a purpose. What use is a life that is only about eating, drinking and living.

It is not enough to have love within, you must also show devotion outwardly. We also need the exercise called devotion. We barely live for 100 years. Use the body for good things. Use the mind, the money for good deeds. He has given it to you, give it back to him. We do not want it.
“You can give it to me and take it from me. I am only an instrument”.
“I am very happy that you gave me a human birth. Please give me strength, devotion, Guru Bhakti. Let me serve the society”

I am very happy that you donated for the temple. That is a temple, it’s not a shop. The Puranas say that if you help a temple, you accumulate a lot of punya. You are using your money for good purpose.

Do not miss the healing concert.

When you pledge a donation, you must come through. Do not get complacent because others are giving anyway.

Swamiji will play special healing sounds for heart problems, kidney problems, stomach problems and cancer. So do not miss the concert.

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