August 26, 2011

Speech of HH Sri Datta Vijayananda Teertha Swamiji – August 26, 2011

Jai Guru Datta!
Sri Guru Datta!
Jai Sri Mata!

“I am very glad that all of you have recited ‘Sri Mata’ while performing kumkumarchana till now. This equals to performing a Yagna, the sacrifice. All of you have performed a great sacrifice. Mother Goddess happily accepted your sacrifice. She bestows you with good education, intelligence, good life and with a perfect marriage after you all have grown up. Keep chanting ‘Sri Mata’ in your mind whether you are in your home or in your hostel. Mother protects you. Keep chanting ‘Jaya guru datta’ also in your mind. The more you chant The Mother’s name the more it brings good to you all. Her lotus feet are to be visualized by you while chanting.

Matru devo bhava!
Pitru devo bhava!
Aachrya devo bhava!
Atithi devo bhava!

Visualize your mother to be your god.
Vedas say Mother Goddess Rajarajeswari is the Mother of the Universe. Always keep that in your mind.
When power supply fails oil lamp helps you to see. In the same manner when you don’t get any help in need or when you don’t have any one to stand by you or to help you or you don’t have any light in your life, Sadguru always stands by you. The light of Sadguru never leaves you. Put proper wicks in the lamp, pour oil and keep the lamp in a safe place where no wind is blown and light the lamp. Let the light of hope burn continuously. That is the light given by Mother Goddess and Sadguru to show us the light of our life. We should impress the God with our life. The God and the Sadguru like us and help us when we follow the path shown by them. God’s grace is always there but there is also a wall of sins and good deeds. The merits you possess as a result of your good deeds are Sadguru’s compassion, good education, good food, good path to follow and protection. Do good being pure in thought word and deed.

It is said, ‘to possess one, leave the two, by keeping the three pure and follow the four then five help you to possess the one.’

To possess the one, the Paramatma; leave the two, the difference between you and me; by keeping the three, your thought, word and deed pure; then you will be bestowed with the four, righteousness, wealth, desire and liberation. The five vital lives of the body come under your control. Then you will be able to win over the six desires. The Sun God in the form of his seven rays bestows you with health. Mother Goddess Lakshmi graces you with eight forms of wealth. Mother Godess Durga blesses you with her nine forms. Then the one and only Paramatma can be visualized by you. This is Numerology.

The mind can not be cleaned as you can not see it. So do good deeds first. Keep your word clean and pure. Always speak truth. Truth is the only method to purify your word. Paramatma took the form of a fish, Matsyavatara, to protect Satyavrata who always followed the path of truth.

Satyameva Param Gjnanam
Satyameva Param Tapaha
Satyameva Param Dhyanam
Tasmat Satyam Sadavadetu.

Always speak The Truth. Always follow the path of the Truth. Always keep the truth in your mind.

Satyam Sivam Sundaram.
Satyam Gjanam Ananta Brahma.

Truth is eternal. Generally people lie some times for what they want and some times for what they don’t want. It is a sin to lie. Their word doesn’t get purified. What is to be done? Can we burn our tongue? There is a method of burning to purify the tongue at the time of sacrifice with a burning grass blade just for the ritual sake. The tongue doesn’t get burned in this ritual. One should not burn the tongue for real. Say the word which has the immense power to get the merits of the pure word. The word of eternal Truth which can burn all the sins procured by telling lies. The eternal truth is the name of the SADGURU. The names of the Mother Goddess, Ganapathy, Datta and Rama remove the sin of telling lies. This is the only way to possess Him. Visualize Him by chanting his name. You will be graced with peace, comfort and happiness.

There is a story to tell the power of the truth. Once upon a time there was a king in China. He did not want to announce his son or any of his relatives as his successor. He wanted a successor from his people. He wanted to test their ability of holding the responsibility of a prince. The king called the youth of his kingdom to assemble in a stadium. He wanted to test them. The winner of the test would be the Prince of the Kingdom.”

“The king asked the youth of his people whether they were ready for the test. They said ‘Yes’. Then he had distributed one seed each to grow it into a tree within six months of time. He asked them to bring the well grown tree to him after six months. One of them is Ching Chong. He also had received the seed and went home happily. His mother was also very happy for her son. No sprout was seen even after one week. All others were happy that their seeds had sprouted. The description of their sprouts and their growth increased day by day. But Ching Chong was unhappy that no sprout was seen in his seed. Rumors were spread that some of the trees were bearing fruits also. There is a saying that before the truth knocks at the door the false goes thrice round the town. He had watered his pot thrice a day. Manure was laid. He stopped eating and sleeping properly. His mother was worried. The six months were passed. His mother seeing her son’s sad face offered to bring another tree to show the king. Then the boy answered,” Mother don’t provoke me to tell lies. It is my bad luck that my seed did not grow into a tree. I will take my empty pot to show the king. I don’t want to lie to the king.” His mother was very much pleased with her son’s honesty.

All the boys carrying their pots assembled in the stadium. All of them were boasting about their care for their tree and the manure they laid for the tree. Ching Chong was sad for his unsuccessful attempt to grow the tree. Feeling shy he stood in a corner. The king came and asked them to show their trees. All of them proudly had shown their trees. The King had spotted the boy in the corner and asked where his tree was. He was afraid of the king that he might punish him. The king went near him and he had to show his empty pot hidden under his cloths. All the boys had started laughing at him. But the king shouted them to be quite and announced that Ching Chong was their future Prince. They were all surprised at this announcement. Then the king explained that he had distributed the seeds after frying them. Fried seeds don’t sprout. All the boys except Ching Chong lied to the king. They were not suitable to hold the responsibility of a prince. Only Ching Chong was a truthful boy. All others had not even observed the seed given to them. The seed given to them and the tree brought by them were different. How irresponsible they were! Ching Chong was announced the Prince of the kingdom. That is the power of the truth. It might be difficult to follow the path of the truth but finally Truth triumphs!

The word gets purified by chanting God’s name. The rightful thought, word and deed purify the mind. Follow the path of Sadguru.

Jai bolo Sadguru Maharaj ki Jai!
Jai bolo Datta Guru Maharaj ki Jai!
Jai bolo Rajarajeswari Mata ki Jai!

Courtsey: Alivelu Gopal

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